Belt noise: Sources?


The Artist formerly known as Turbo84
Mar 30, 2008
Clinging to my guns and religion in KCMO.
Well, I swapped a new front bearing on the alternator, and fired the engine up. A screeching(!) mechanical noise made itself present. I thought, crap, did I put a defective bearing in the alternator? I used a length of heater hose to listen to the front and rear bearings, and both were quiet. I then listened to the water pump. Bingo! While I was cussing, thinking about the PITA it's going to be to pull the pump and replace the w/p bearings (it's an aluminum pump, so a rebuilt Autozone pump is out of the question), I thought, lets just see if I can luck out if it's the belt(s). I sprayed a touch of silicone spray on the belts, and shazam, it's as quiet as a church mouse (okay, as quiet as a big block church mouse). Just curious, what's the mechanism that causes belt screech? The engine only has a few miles on it recently since I got the car put together, so rust in the grooves is certainly a possibility. But, it wasn't doing this before I pulled the alternator.
What's everybody's thoughts here?

Are the belts tight enough?

Your silicone spray fix won't last, try talcon powder next time
TT was on the money.

Are the belts tight enough?

Your silicone spray fix won't last, try talcon powder next time

The belts are tight, and the screech is back. As you mentioned, the silicone spray certainly didn't last long. I didn't have any talcum powder, so I used the next best thing. :idea: (It must be the "Friction fighter" additive.) :rofl:

I bet lots of guys will laugh about that Monkey Butt powder. Not me. That stuff works.

I just opened the bottle today, specifically to put some of the powder on the belts. I bought it about a year ago when I saw them on the shelf at a hardware store back home. I laughed when I saw it, and had plans on giving it away as a gag gift. Now that I've opened it, looks like I'll have to keep it. Who knows, I might actually use it for its intended purpose some day. Glad to hear the stuff works. :thumbs:
That is SO nutz, I gotta get some, just for shits and giggles, never seen it though, where to buy it??

Gene, check at Adamec H-D over on Wells. The leather seats on the scooters get plenty hot after setting there for 2-3 hours at a whack. I got a can at the dealer in KC.
I bought a Zone WP for my 84 and it was indeed an aluminum pump...exactly as the stock one...was pretty cheap 70 bucks...
Gene, check at Adamec H-D over on Wells. The leather seats on the scooters get plenty hot after setting there for 2-3 hours at a whack. I got a can at the dealer in KC.

Never seen it here in Kalifornia. Got any ideas where in OC you might find it?

The farm & home stores have it.

I'm not sure what "farm & home stores" are... :quote:

It's your one stop shopping store for rural america.
On last years trip to the edge of the world in northern Minnesota, we browsed thru one for quite a while, it had a coffee shop in it, a pizza joint, sold anything imaginable like pto hydraulic pumps, hydraulic hoses, cutters for you tractor mounted hay cutter, welders and supplies, clothing, some food, kiddie swimming pools, lawn furniture, and some of the prices were pretty good.

Of course you're not cool in there without "bibs" :waxer: