Wanted - C-3 gauge conversion plates


Jul 10, 2009
Hello :beer:

In this link, http://www.vettemod.com/forum/showthread.php?t=124
V-Twin has some plates to go with aftermarket gauges. I'd like to buy these plates to save some time. Anyone know anyone willing to sell these at a price that's right. :kissass: I PM'd V-Twin but I've not heard back from him so I figure he's tired of requests or didn't check his PM's.
No one makes them, I had them CNC punched for V-Twin. Talk to a local plasma, laser or waterjet cutting co. and take the dxf file with you.
I used the old gauge pod as a template and traced it on to aluminum stock I had around (.80"). I cut it out with a jig saw to size. Filed the edges to clean them up. No one see's the outer edge. The trick was going to Home Depot and spending $35 on a 5" hole saw for steel/aluminum and the related driver. I center punched the center of the adaptor ring and drilled in my drill press on the slowest speed. Deburred the hole worked like a charm!