ZZ4 cam wanted....

There's a guy on ebay who sells knockoff grinds, brand new..unbeatable price. US made!
Got mine on ebay. The guy was selling take outs new motors. Haven't seen them in awhile. Mine is in here
I have a ZZ4 take out with springs and retainers. Might also have rockers in the box but haven't looked in a long time. I never used the cam as I already have a ZZ4 motor.

I could take pics if interested and made a reasonable offer.
I have a ZZ4 take out with springs and retainers. Might also have rockers in the box but haven't looked in a long time. I never used the cam as I already have a ZZ4 motor.

I could take pics if interested and made a reasonable offer.

All I need is the cam.....the engine is running good, but I need better MPG....

in your operational ZZ4, what sort of MPG you get with it?? or is it a race car??

PM sent....