Custom Interiors


Well-known member
Mar 30, 2008
I did two searches on custom interiors and surprisingly I didn't find too much. I'm thinking about doing the door panels over in glass then wrapping them in straight vinyl (no carpet) or leaving them glass and painting them.

Also, doing the center console in glass to match the door panels. Instead of just a top piece I'd include the side panels like the earlier C3s. Adding some cup holders and getting creative with the climate control possibly.
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enkeivette -

I have similar plans New door panels and outta fiberglass - with corresponding designed tunnel and dash. So, I have been collecting images for a while.

Some are interesting - like the builds you saw on DC - others are pretty spartan, race-like setups.


I'll post a few but too many to load - and lost all the source info.


I could zip a bunch of them them and send to you- will have to get your email address. If interested -= drop me a PM.
Cheers - Jim
A friend of mine is manufacturing carbon fiber interior parts for GTS Vipers and is going to make them for newer Vipers next. I spoke to him about making them for C3 vettes and he is willing to do them, assuming there is a big enough market. The good thing is that he is not merely making carbon fiber wraps like others are because at that point, it is only cosmetic. His carbon fiber parts completely replace the original part and are much stronger and lighter.
The C3 could certainly use an upgrade in the interior, particularly the early ones.
Yeah, you should see all the ncie stuff available for 1st & 2nd gen f bodies from places like anvil.
I presume he would use the same construction techniques as the early sharks, that way the panels could interchange, and keep the top padded dash....

then wonder what to do for the map pocket on pass side, as behind that is my FI computer.....

Any clue as to cost targets??
I presume he would use the same construction techniques as the early sharks, that way the panels could interchange, and keep the top padded dash....

Any clue as to cost targets??

Just as a Gauge - a few years back, there was a west coast outfit making a full set for C-5s as I recall.

Dash, doorskilns, trim etc. Had a nice look - but they cautioned, "Fiberglass finish is often in the eye of the beholder - our finish and your expectations may not match..." -- or something like that. :suicide:
Oh yeah - you asked price -- seems like in the $5K region. They showed in bright yellow (and black paint) - and no close up pics. I'll look in my files.

From my boat (building) experience - that ought to give them a fair margin - at low output. If you count the number of postings and interest on the various websites - may a couple of hundered would sell? Any idea how many Eckler's tilt front ends sold? (and they have been available FOREVER!?)

Cheers - Jim
Well, his profit margin is very low on the Viper stuff. For the GTS Viper, the center console and both knee bolsters are going to be about $1500. They fit exactly where the original stuff does but with some structural mounting improvements (reinforced tabs, etc). Keep in mind that it is top quality, american-made carbon fiber. He could have had them built for cheaper in Asia but he went for quality instead. I am assuming that he will also do the door panels since that is on the list for Vipers. He will probably create the passenger side panel like my '68, without a map pocket. It would look better and make more sense than to have a goofy map pocket on a beautiful, shiny carbon fiber part.
yeah. that map pocket is worthless, saggy POS. (should we call it a sarah pocket LOL)
Well - A bit of research from some old files... AND the notes say...

1200 bucks -- not 5000!


and the installed demo:


Sorry for the mis-lead on pricing. Can't say how close these are to the factory bits - don't have one of those ...

Cheers - Jim
Yes its Fiberglass - CF is more $ for those with a need for the look (and some weight savings). There are applications (Decallike) and Black Fiberglass for the CF look and less cost. Saudivette did his mirrors in an application process -- look real nice.

Nice wet look and finish there. Don't forget the UV coating!
They have UV coating for protection. The original stuff is such junk that it is better to spend the money one time on REAL carbon fiber and it will last a lifetime. is better to spend the money one time on REAL carbon fiber and it will last a lifetime.

:lol: Yeah - Team Australia in San Diego(on the bottom and un-recoverable), Team NZ in Auckland (Boom bashed), F1s, etc. :lol:​

Just funnin'ya there. But then again most everything has its own lifetime warranty - just when it breaks - its through...​

Keep us all posted on prices and progress - sounds like a fun project -- might save me from that build myself! Bigger pictures too - please.

Cheers - Jim