Street Racing

I am all about high performance cars and driving fast however there is a time and a place for it, That was not the time or place! They should be locked up!
I am all about high performance cars and driving fast however there is a time and a place for it, That was not the time or place! They should be locked up!

I agree!!
I like racing as well, but not on the street. Street racers give car enthusiasts in general and wrenchers a bad reputation. Reserve the show at the cruise and go at the track.

I never meant to imply that I condone this exhibition. I was shocked by it, and at night no less. I’m an elder & night blindness is one of those things gentry brings, but they don’t teach you that in school. (Crap I even taught biology before my reincarnation as a :D)

What I meant was: who has not raced away from a stoplight when next to F*rd, N*par, P*awsha, Bummer or what ever. I done that, but never passed the double nickel in a race. I figure if my (2x4, FI, 390, 400 or 435 :D) hasn’t won by then, it ain’t gonna & there’s no point in being nuts about it.