I got one for ya.....


Wish,...Wish harder
Apr 3, 2008
Colorado Springs, CO.
I wasn't goin' to post this, but figured someone might appreciate it.

The temperatures here in the mid-west are warm enough now where I don't need my heater anymore. So, to keep cabin temps down in summer, I disconnect my heater hoses. On my ZZ4, one heater hose fitting, off of the intake manifold, is right under my fuel line. I use a 90* brass fitting so I don't have to re-route the fuel line. In the summer, I brass plug this, and the hose connection at the water pump.

So, I disconnect the fuel line at the fuel block above the heater hose, unscrew the 90* fitting, and plug the intake. Move on to the water pump, remove fitting, and plug it. JUMP IN THE CAR AND STARTED IT. I see the coolant spray up on the hood, and think it's coming from the heater hose. Step outta the car and smell gas. It ain't coolant, it's coming from the unhooked fuel line squirtin' gas everywhere. Cracked my yoke on the t-top reaching in to shut 'er off, and ran screaming like alittle school girl out of the garage. Sat on the porch for 20 minutes with a fire extinguisher in hand.

No damage done, except for the knot on my forehead. Man, I gotta get my head outta my ass!
On a serious note, I am glad you and the car are okay. We're all human, and make mistakes.
Thanks for your concern BigBird, yeah, we've all make ugly mistakes. I'm sure this won't be my last, but I take comfort knowing I'll be a little more carefull, at least till my 'nads drop back down. I feel very fortunate. After seeing a few post on safety lately, I've been more conscious around the work place. It just didn't carry over to the home front.

So, in conclusion:
This shit happens all the time, if ya don't think it can happen to you, get your head outta yer ass!
I have been in construction 30 years as an IBEW electrician. We have a safety meeting EVERY day. With all our rules, meetings, procedures and such, they still happen. :gurney:Although they have greatly reduced since the lawyers and ins. companies have gotten involved.:huh:
I'm close behind you in years construction years, but instead of lawyers, insurance co., I got OSHA and State Inspectors lookin' over my shoulder. People in my trade, (Lead Abatement), dislike these folks. They are a nessary evil, and my work life is safer with them in it. I think I need them to safety supervise my hobby's, more than my work!
I'm close behind you in years construction years, but instead of lawyers, insurance co., I got OSHA and State Inspectors lookin' over my shoulder. People in my trade, (Lead Abatement), dislike these folks. They are a nessary evil, and my work life is safer with them in it. I think I need them to safety supervise my hobby's, more than my work!

LEAD removal?? thought they just scraped over it and painted, it's about all I ever did....

down here some old GI housing was sold off the base perimeter decades ago...rented, and then when they tried to sell into condos they had to replace all the asbestos siding....what a waste of money....
Yeah Gene, just in the last 10 or so years has lead poisioning has became important. Not so much for the old farts like us, it's all about the kids. Builds up in their body and can cause serious problems. Feds jumped in, now you can't sell a house here if you know your house contains lead paint, and you don't disclose it to buyers. (That would be any house built up til '79-'80). Most buyers don't understand the dangers, and disregard the disclosure. Bad news if they got kids. Now, all kinda federal programs that contract contractors to 'Get the lead out'. What's queer is the Feds. put $30,000.-$40,000. into a property worth $6,000-$8,000 if they determin its a lead hazzard. IN EAST ST.LOUIS!

MYBAD, Sorry, I surly didn't mean for you to waste good beer!! Hope it wasn't Heineken
Yeah Gene, just in the last 10 or so years has lead poisioning has became important. Not so much for the old farts like us, it's all about the kids. Builds up in their body and can cause serious problems. Feds jumped in, now you can't sell a house here if you know your house contains lead paint, and you don't disclose it to buyers. (That would be any house built up til '79-'80). Most buyers don't understand the dangers, and disregard the disclosure. Bad news if they got kids. Now, all kinda federal programs that contract contractors to 'Get the lead out'. What's queer is the Feds. put $30,000.-$40,000. into a property worth $6,000-$8,000 if they determin its a lead hazzard. IN EAST ST.LOUIS!

MYBAD, Sorry, I surly didn't mean for you to waste good beer!! Hope it wasn't Heineken

Typicall time/money .gov waste program.....nothing the matter with lead paints to start with.....we all grew up with them in our homes.....woopie doo....

what parent would let their kids eat paint anyway???

much less fail to 'encapsulate' it....ie paint over the peeling paint and vacuum up the flakes?? what sort of housekeeping they DO??

I know....NONE....then blame someone else for their sheer stupidity and laziness...

Gene, You're 100% right about this .gov waste program! I'm somewhat biased on this one though, 'cause it put alot of toys in my toy box.

Yeah, everybody has some lead in their bones that will stay with them till the end. It looks like ya know a bunch about remeadiation, but currently there is no encapsulant that will last more than a few years. and not many homeowners have access to a P-1, P-2 compliant HEPA vacuum. It ain't so much the flakes, (unless like you said, sittin' around eatin' the shit), that does the damage, it's the microscopic lead dust that will raise your Lead Blood Level. Mostly coming from your windows. I watched a film where some cat was standing in front of a window, in an empty room, just raising and lowering the window. Spectrum lighting showed clouds of lead dust created from the lead painted window sashes rubbin' against each other. It's some nasty crap. Actually, your whole house is a hazzard. I don't know about Florida, but here, years ago, the most used ceiling insulation was vermiculite. Looks like small cork pieces with shiny gold flakes on it.
If you go in your attic more than once a year, (puttin' up yer Christmas tree), you're over-exposed.

The main concern with lead poisioning is it causes mental retardation. I've sometimes wondered how much smarter humans would be, if never exposed. Then again, l see people on this site who couldn't possiable be any smarter!!
Gene, You're 100% right about this .gov waste program! I'm somewhat biased on this one though, 'cause it put alot of toys in my toy box.

Yeah, everybody has some lead in their bones that will stay with them till the end. It looks like ya know a bunch about remeadiation, but currently there is no encapsulant that will last more than a few years. and not many homeowners have access to a P-1, P-2 compliant HEPA vacuum. It ain't so much the flakes, (unless like you said, sittin' around eatin' the shit), that does the damage, it's the microscopic lead dust that will raise your Lead Blood Level. Mostly coming from your windows. I watched a film where some cat was standing in front of a window, in an empty room, just raising and lowering the window. Spectrum lighting showed clouds of lead dust created from the lead painted window sashes rubbin' against each other. It's some nasty crap. Actually, your whole house is a hazzard. I don't know about Florida, but here, years ago, the most used ceiling insulation was vermiculite. Looks like small cork pieces with shiny gold flakes on it.
If you go in your attic more than once a year, (puttin' up yer Christmas tree), you're over-exposed.

The main concern with lead poisioning is it causes mental retardation. I've sometimes wondered how much smarter humans would be, if never exposed. Then again, l see people on this site who couldn't possiable be any smarter!!

Well, I"m age 64, grew up in houses built in the 30's....and my parents used to do all their own maintanance....Dad built houses in the 20's 30's........he was 79 and mom 94 and they grew up in industrial CLEVELAND OHIO....moved to Wash DC in '39 where I was born in '44.....SO

I been playing with cars and the like for some 50 years now....leaded gasoline washed my hands for decades....still use gasoline to cut the grease off before using hand cleaners////dish soap....gasoline is my favorite weed killer, and bug killer too....:stirpot:

WTF, I can't see it being this huge hazard they claim it is....anymore than breathing a puff of asbestos off a brake job....but I CAN see working in ANY plant with fibers given off and breathing shit all day...THAT only makes common sense....God knows I"m getting what I think of as sensitive to typical construction dusts these daze too.....after some 50 years of BSing around with crap....

:sos::trumpet::suicide: everyone gotta die of summfin someday...I just wish the crybabies would shut the fuck UP allready yet, even.....
