So, what did you get your Wife/girlfriend for Xmas?

Laptop carry case, and motor home parts, it IS her's afterall.....

That's a brilliant advert!!

I have been there when I gave the wifey a blender for Christmas cuz we loved Margaritas. It wasn't an iron for Gawdsake but it might as well have been.

One of the many differences, We'd be tickled to get tools for any gift but women? A different species entirely....
I ordered mine a V8 snowblower. Hope it gets here in time!

We don't get much snow here, but if we do, she'll be ready.:banned:
my wife is a gem
she puts up with all my faults, foibles, faux pax, cooks, cleans, does my laundry, shops, is thoughtful, forgiving,
and lets me blow $ on old my old Chevies.

at our last house she did the pool & mowed also.
besides working a regular job.

I'd give her anything she wanted.
my wife is a gem
she puts up with all my faults, foibles, faux pax, cooks, cleans, does my laundry, shops, is thoughtful, forgiving,
and lets me blow $ on old my old Chevies.

at our last house she did the pool & mowed also.
besides working a regular job.

I'd give her anything she wanted.

Reminds me of my Mom and Dad.....another generation....

but I do the dishes and my own laundry...that way we both live for another day....:censored::flash::yahoo:
She is getting the whole house renovated over the course of the next year. All she really wanted was new carpet. Talk about "WhileI'matit's." Painting the Vette would have been cheaper.:hissyfit:
She is getting the whole house renovated over the course of the next year. All she really wanted was new carpet. Talk about "WhileI'matit's." Painting the Vette would have been cheaper.:hissyfit:

Ever upgrade that old electric panel???

Good thing you don't have a wife Marck! You'd be in the dog house for sure:clobbered:


Bull SHIT, with HIS money he could have 6 wives.....

all under islamic drag.....


GENE/awaiting the reply.......:censored::hissyfit: