Got a little snow today

Siberian?? looks like a buddy's dawg....will he run along in the snow, with his nose close to the ground like a plow?? I had a dawg that did that years ago....

used to laugh my ass off at his antics.....


Each ear is worth a entire cat in fuzz volume......
Sure is a pretty dog. And he looks to be having a grand time. I would like to get a little bit of that stuff every once in a while, but I think I'll pass on 16". That's more snow than we get rain in, like, four years!
Yeah Gene he is a Siberian he's a real nut he is almost like a cat, all of the sudden he'll just feel the need to do sprints around the house and the vacuum cleaner is he mortal enemy that must be play attacked when on.
The snow total is up to 21 inches now and the limbs on my pines are starting to break. So now I have to run the snow blower and the chain saw.
Yeah Gene he is a Siberian he's a real nut he is almost like a cat, all of the sudden he'll just feel the need to do sprints around the house and the vacuum cleaner is he mortal enemy that must be play attacked when on.
The snow total is up to 21 inches now and the limbs on my pines are starting to break. So now I have to run the snow blower and the chain saw.

Yup, snow tough on pines, all them needles, the rest of the trees are the loading is less.....nuttin' new, I"m sure....

I remember hearing limbs break and crash to the ground, with a rush of sounded like tons of ice breaking....weird sound....

Dad had lots of pines around his house....

you need one of those V8 snow blowers.... gotta be careful with the dog though, better put him on a leash while that thing is blowing the snow half a mile down the road.... :3rd:
About 14-15" here in Stratford CT. Thank God it's dry fluffy.
The wet stuff hit the Easter end of the state.

My pup Sam loves the snow & eats it. When I clean the snow off his fur, he eats any that drop in the rug.
About 14-15" here in Stratford CT. Thank God it's dry fluffy.
The wet stuff hit the Easter end of the state.

My pup Sam loves the snow & eats it. When I clean the snow off his fur, he eats any that drop in the rug.

Yeah thank god it was light snow if this stuff was wet we would be seeing what our snow loads would be on the roofs. Well its finally slowing down here we might get 1 or 2 more inches more.
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I used to have a Samoyed that did the same thing. Must be a genetic thing with northern breeds. As soon as he went out in the snow, he would put his entire head under it and start plowing. He would come up for air every once in a while with snow piled up on his head. Very funny.
I used to have a Samoyed that did the same thing. Must be a genetic thing with northern breeds. As soon as he went out in the snow, he would put his entire head under it and start plowing. He would come up for air every once in a while with snow piled up on his head. Very funny.

NO SHIT, I couldn't remember the breed, that's what my dawg was.....I named him Trix....because he wouldn't DO any.....

white with tan markings on the ears....and he got hit by a car one spring we buried him in the back yard there, along the fence line,
almost 50 years ago....:blush:
NO SHIT, I couldn't remember the breed, that's what my dawg was.....I named him Trix....because he wouldn't DO any.....

white with tan markings on the ears....and he got hit by a car one spring we buried him in the back yard there, along the fence line,
almost 50 years ago....:blush:

Yeah, he wasn't much for tricks. Every other dog I've ever seen will go fetch a stick when you throw it. If you did that with this dog, he would just look at you with an expression like "what the fuck did you throw the stick away for, you want it, you go get it" :banghead:
NO SHIT, I couldn't remember the breed, that's what my dawg was.....I named him Trix....because he wouldn't DO any.....

white with tan markings on the ears....and he got hit by a car one spring we buried him in the back yard there, along the fence line,
almost 50 years ago....:blush:

Yeah, he wasn't much for tricks. Every other dog I've ever seen will go fetch a stick when you throw it. If you did that with this dog, he would just look at you with an expression like "what the fuck did you throw the stick away for, you want it, you go get it" :banghead:

Jack does a few tricks fetch, get his ball,sit,but he thinks its always play time. He gets very jealous of my girlfriend and I, he trys to work himself between us and trys to steal her from me. My old dog ( a chow chow ) was the polar opposite of Jack he was very aloof and would only let you pet him when he wanted it. He was the same as your dog if you thew a ball he would look at you like "your not expecting me to get that are you"
Too freaking cold and too much snow to have any fun with the cars here too. And my Chow/Shepard mix is dumb as a rock too, does his own thing, lives in his world, loves the snow.....
NO SHIT, I couldn't remember the breed, that's what my dawg was.....I named him Trix....because he wouldn't DO any.....

white with tan markings on the ears....and he got hit by a car one spring we buried him in the back yard there, along the fence line,
almost 50 years ago....:blush:

Yeah, he wasn't much for tricks. Every other dog I've ever seen will go fetch a stick when you throw it. If you did that with this dog, he would just look at you with an expression like "what the fuck did you throw the stick away for, you want it, you go get it" :banghead:

ODD to meet up with another man with the same recollections, as those dawgs were not the most common breed around especially back when....

here I always thought my dawg was just father was Ohio farmland background....and couldn't explain what was going on....

They are actually pretty smart dogs when you think about it. They only do what they want, and tricks are what they want. That dog dug his way under the fence the first week I had him. He then went into the neighbors yard and dug up all the landscaping they just planted. All of this in about 20 minutes! I went outside and saw him in the neighbors yard dragging a small tree around.

He also had a taste for money. Took me a while to figure out where my money was going. Fucking dog was eating it, I saw it shredded up in his shit in the back yard. No, I didn't try to fish it out of his shit and tape it back together. Luckily, I was poor and it wasn't that much money!

I'll tell you one thing they were good for..........herding. The Ruski's used them to herd reindeer. They are naturals. I took two Samoyeds to a friends farm. They spent hours herding cows into a compact group and then moving the group around.
I used to have a Samoyed that did the same thing. Must be a genetic thing with northern breeds. As soon as he went out in the snow, he would put his entire head under it and start plowing. He would come up for air every once in a while with snow piled up on his head. Very funny.

He's searching for ground rodents to eat. They come up and run around under the snowpack looking for food to eat, and the predatory birds can't see them through the snow. But an omnivoris canine can sniff them out and have a tasty meal.....Yup, it's genetic. Food & Fun. Same as chasing squirrels in the summer.
I used to have a Samoyed that did the same thing. Must be a genetic thing with northern breeds. As soon as he went out in the snow, he would put his entire head under it and start plowing. He would come up for air every once in a while with snow piled up on his head. Very funny.

He's searching for ground rodents to eat. They come up and run around under the snowpack looking for food to eat, and the predatory birds can't see them through the snow. But an omnivoris canine can sniff them out and have a tasty meal.....Yup, it's genetic. Food & Fun. Same as chasing squirrels in the summer.

Very interesting bit of information on animal behavior. Dogs are interesting animals and make great pets; maybe, one day I will get another.