Hi all. I just found this forum, and while I see there are some of the same cats as CF and DC... I thought I would post up FULL TILT for your comments here.
The full build (in pictures) can be found at:
The short version of the Saga of Full Tilt is:
I built a mildly custom 77 back in 2004-5.... showed it, raced it, drove 4 Power Tours, blew up 3 motors..... well, you get the idea.
In March of 2009, the perfect storm occurred... i had a full tank of 110 race gas in the tank, and when starting the motor, the carb (Barry Grant Mighty Demon) backfired.... at the exact same time the electric fuel pump decided to short in the ON position. This started a fire on top of the motor.... which was being fed by high octane gas at 140 gpm.
I emptied TWO fire extinquishers on it as it laughed at me. LUCKILY... I was across the street from a fire dept... they were onsite in minutes, and managed to put it out before the tank blew up ! THANK GOD for steel braided lines and AN Fittings! And damn, fire burns QUICK !
When I tore it apart.. I decided to do something totally crazy... and 3 years later, after hand fabricating damn near every single part of the car from the windshield forward, Full Tilt lives.
Your comments are always welcome!!



The full build (in pictures) can be found at:
The short version of the Saga of Full Tilt is:
I built a mildly custom 77 back in 2004-5.... showed it, raced it, drove 4 Power Tours, blew up 3 motors..... well, you get the idea.
In March of 2009, the perfect storm occurred... i had a full tank of 110 race gas in the tank, and when starting the motor, the carb (Barry Grant Mighty Demon) backfired.... at the exact same time the electric fuel pump decided to short in the ON position. This started a fire on top of the motor.... which was being fed by high octane gas at 140 gpm.
I emptied TWO fire extinquishers on it as it laughed at me. LUCKILY... I was across the street from a fire dept... they were onsite in minutes, and managed to put it out before the tank blew up ! THANK GOD for steel braided lines and AN Fittings! And damn, fire burns QUICK !
When I tore it apart.. I decided to do something totally crazy... and 3 years later, after hand fabricating damn near every single part of the car from the windshield forward, Full Tilt lives.
Your comments are always welcome!!

