Michel's 72 coupe rebuild

Ok, I have all day to play soo lets go for another destruction rampage.
aka birdcage repairs...

I decided to rebuild the lower part of the front pillars.
As you can see, theres more rust in the passenger's side.

Sooo I started by doing the drivers side first.

Last night I looked at what had to be replaced and heres the first cut.


located the factory's spot welds and cut them using a drill bit.

then it was a much easier to pull the bad part out.


Now I know the inset isn't that bad, but I know this rust will keep going so this is why I wanted to replace it.

I didnt want to tear up the parts and I couldnt get the grinder in there.
Next step was to get out this little support out.


More rust.


so heres what's left of the inset.
It doesnt look so bad in the pics, but trust me, it's thin.

so now, I'm left with good solid material to weld on.

A view from the out side
Maybe I'll find a hand held little sandblaster like this to clean up before I weld pieces into place.

I checked the channel and it pretty solid so I wont have to rebuild it.

But now?

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A little more progress.

I started to make the inside panel of the front pillar I took off this morning, of course using my vice and hammer.
I first made a carboard template then cut a piece of metal.


A little comparaison with the original one

trying for fit, it's getting there to make sure the bends are where they are suppose to be.

Once satisfied with the fit, I made the other part and again, check the fit.

Then I placed the little support and the front part to check if they liked beeing together.

Pretty happy with it.

Next, I have to make a new inset using a bit thicker material.
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Thanks Stpman,

Hey Denpo, it 's was just a matter of understanding how the *(?%?#$& cam worked LOL

Ok This afternoon I tried to sandblast the cavity where the inset will be welded.

I took the blasting gun out and made somekind of a tent using a tarp.
Wasnt too messy , less than I tought anyway but I managed to clean up the pillar a bit.


I then cut a template.

and fitted it.

Then checked everything for a tight fit.

Tomorow, IF I dont work, I'll make the inset and button up everything.
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This morning I made the steel inset.
The piece of steel I used was allready galvanized, I left it that way (might help rust a bit).

I'll just be carefull when I weld it about gasses.


Then I bent it and fitted into the cavity.

checked to make sure it was a snug fit.

Then assembled the part to see if I had any fitting issues.
Looks good.

Next. I'll tack weld everything together turn the cage upside down and make the hole.

Ill see after cleaning this little support in front of the pillar , if I have to make another one.

Then I'll call this front pillar DONE!
Man that is a lot of work, I give you credit for bringing it back. I think I would have parted it out by now. Keep up the nice work and documentation.
Man that is a lot of work, I give you credit for bringing it back. I think I would have parted it out by now. Keep up the nice work and documentation.

Yes, for sure, no shit....he IS good, isn't he...:shocking::beer::1st:
I'm not sure exactly where Michel's Corvette came from, but given the general condition of local cars and the fact that it is now 40 years old, I'd say it's actually not in that bad condition. In any case, the rebuild is sort of therapeutic for Michel. :)
Gee guys, thanks.
I'm not used to that soooooo:blush::blush:

The car wasnt that bad, it sat since the 80's and most of the damages were in the rear of the seat area. the rest of the birdcage is realy sound.

I'm just trying to do what I can with very limited budget and tools, plus, I did a lot of research and not to many people want to tackle the birdcage in this way.

Theres not much info and pics, so if this could help somebody, hey maybe another Vette will be saved LOL.
Who knows????

So heres the final on the drivers lower front pillar repairs.

I welded the parts together.


then I looked at my little bracket and decided to make another one, this one is chewed up by rust and too thin to work with.


so I went thru my cut carboard and cut steel routine.

bent it 90deg

and test fitted them, I think this close enough.

Of course I had to mess it up with my crummy welds:cussing:

All theres left to do is to flip the birdcage upside down and punch the hole for the body mount.

I can do that later when I do the other side witch is next...because this side is done!

Now for the passenger side.... same challenge but a bit worse.


The channel looks like crap but seem solid, in any cases, after the sandblast, if the channel isn't that good, I'll double it with a complete insert inside.
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Ok, I worked on the dump truck all day hauling rocks.
So tonight I had only a few hours to play in the shop.

I'm not going to bore you with too many pics since they will be pretty much the same as the driver side.

It will be a bit more of a challenge tho.

So heres what I got out of it tonight.


Heres what's left

Like I tought, the channel, even if it looks like, hell is pretty solid.

I dont think I will replace it.

I do think that even if I patch it up, and weld an insert inside I wont lose to much solidity.

As you can see, the pillar needs work.

I think on this side, I'll make an inset like on the other side but the walls will be higher, doubling the walls of the pillar.

I'll see tomorow.
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I tell you what man, you do THAT shit and you can build a MOON rocket....

Sears as Rowbuck....

Uhhh....I have this project.....

Ok sooo heres some more of bubbas birdcage fix.....
I said I wasnt going to bore you with much of the same but...

I took out all the rusty parts and I didnt want to twist this guy. so I took it out first to get better access to the pillar.
I busted the spot welds and cleaned it pretty good.

Then I kept cutting until....

I then cleaned up the channel and like I suspected, it's pretty solid. Looks much prettier now huh?

Enough cutting , time to rebuild.


Then the front lower part of the pillar .

Tacked and welded everything together, then cleaned up the welds.



Next, I'm going to put this guy where he belongs.
Ok sooo the lower support for the pass. side pillar is installed.
Welded and cleaned up.


I cleaned up the spot welds since this is where the hinge will connect, I need a flat surface here.

Next, is make the inset and the front of the pillar acces to the body mount.
I'll also hve to make new holes for the hinges.
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Nice work as usual. I keep thinking though, maybe it would have been a good idea to weld in some reinforcement bracing before cutting apart such important structural junctions?

Very nice work you are performing on the bird cage:thumbs::thumbs:

The cage did not look too bad in the beginning of your thread but as always, you only see 25% of the rust. The rest is hidden...

Keep the pictures coming, interesting to follow your work!
