Well Bullshark


Charter Member, Founder Bird-Run, Cruise-In Bird-R
Mar 5, 2008
Anaheim, Ca.
First you get an earthquake, now we are getting tornadoes in Calif.. What did you do?:rain:
That will teach you guys to keep your hands off our Rams..... :devil:


Damn, I just turned on the news, Looks like Colorado really got hit bad.... makes our little shaker pale in comparison.....:cry: California didn't get hurt did they?
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I'll take AZ dust storms any day of the week. That tornado was too big to run from. How much damage did it do?
Wow, that one looks pretty intimidating. Similar to the one that just went through Iowa. They said it was a F5....over 300 mph winds. :cry:

I think I will take my chances in a Missouri earth quake. :clobbered::crutches:

Wow, that one looks pretty intimidating. Similar to the one that just went through Iowa. They said it was a F5....over 300 mph winds. :cry:

I think I will take my chances in a Missouri earth quake. :clobbered::crutches:


300? I thought they topped out at 200.....shows WTF I know....

jeebus...nothing stands to that, not nuttin honey...not nuttin....

It did amazing little damage. Of course, the people in its 35 mile long path--well, they got hit by a tornado. Its path was mostly across open county, taking out farms & related. But then it ran across the town of Windsor and exploded a neighborhood & downtown. Then back out across the county. Only one guy killed, he was in a camper less than a mile from where this photo was taken, on the extreme western edge of Greeley (where I work). Probably within 2 minutes of this photo......
Afterwards, we had to go look at damaged buildings in the county to determine their safety. The damage (and equally the UNdamage) was quite amazing to see. Even those whose farmsteads were wiped out were happy because so few people were hurt.