Lets see your guns...


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
When I get my first squirrel...I'll catch it on video...;)
Camera mount test...


What are those - .223 varment shootin' irons?

NO. Black one is a Umarex 850 Magnum CO2 pellet rifle cal. .177. The other is a Beeman R9 cal .22 pellet rifle...I got them because I can no longer shoot my Browning .22/.250 on my property.....both pellet guns made in Germany...very accurate and will drop squirrels out to 80 yards...

Here is my old Browning .22/.250 I sold....

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Remington 7mm Mag

My Boys Sniper Combo

1911 Conversion

Middle son.......22 Savage

Middle Son........22 High Standard Victor (yes....he's wear ear plugs)

Youngest Son......10/22

Oldest Daughter......7mm Mag


The Wife.......357 Magnum
Got that right, cute pixs all the above.....that varmint shooting back is too much.....:D

7 mil MAGNUM?? girl?? ouch!!! nervey little kid....

my daughter cringed at the 12 ga some years ago...she was about 80 lbs and age ten maybe, something like that....
During my time in the Army we had a statement,,"" This is my Rifle and this is my GUN, This is for Fighting and this is for FUN"".. Well, putting a picture of a gun on here would get me banned from the site, Rifles I don't own.
Something came to mind,, the cost of one bullet=a gallon of gas,, why are you buying bullets ?? set the tree on fire and roast that tree rat,, when he falls out of the tree dinners ready, Plus you'll get a lot more action out of that tree rat, bullet is just over kill.
During my time in the Army we had a statement,,"" This is my Rifle and this is my GUN, This is for Fighting and this is for FUN"".. Well, putting a picture of a gun on here would get me banned from the site, Rifles I don't own.

Hey SMYDA that 1911 is a 45ACP isn't it? Never saw one converted like that. Shoots like a TommyGun I bet. Is the 1911 a Colt?

1911 Colt "Gold Cup" 45 ...... :D My Dad was a competition shooter, it was made from one of his extra guns.
It is fun to shoot. The furthest I ever actually "HIT" anything with it was 100yrs. And that was aiming HIGH. :)
At close range it is Dead accurate.


These pics are a few years old.
The wife shooting the .45 conversion (she's a redhead in this photo)

Here she again shooting a buddies Full Auto MP5K (9mm) w/suppressor.

This is the oldest son (who now owns the Vette) shooting a Full Auto H-K G3 (.308).
He has it set on 3 shot bursts. On Full Auto it is a bit to hang on to.
But A Hell Of A Lot Of Fun :D
7 mil MAGNUM?? girl?? ouch!!! nervey little kid....

She's 15 and a tough one at that. Works with horses regularly and loves to ride.
That day after we left the range. I asked her how she liked that rifle. She said
it wasn't bad at all and that her brothers had her believing that it kicked real bad. :amazed: ;)

That gun has a lot of Mods and weights 14lbs (with a light weight barrel) which really helps with the recoil.
Something came to mind,, the cost of one bullet=a gallon of gas,, why are you buying bullets ?? set the tree on fire and roast that tree rat,, when he falls out of the tree dinners ready, Plus you'll get a lot more action out of that tree rat, bullet is just over kill.

You Know..............If you slow that bullet down to 55 MPH and put a set
of headlights on it..........that deer will jump right out in front of it. :wink:
Czech made CZ Modell 27 7.35cal (takes .32 bullets)....used by the Germans in WWll, brought back by my father, who at the age of 82 has still never said word one about the war.....
I don't have any pictures, but here's the list:

.410 shotgun that belonged to my Great Grandpa
.22 rifle the same
H&R .22 pistol purchased for $12.09 (price tag still on the box!) Dad's
.32 Auto (I forget who made it)
Browning .25 Auto
S&W .22 pistol (short barrel)
S&W Model 10 .38 Police Special
S&W Model 39 9MM Auto
Taraus PT-92 9MM Auto
Glock 23 .40 S&W
Ruger Stainless Redhawk .44 Mag

An old blackpowder shotgun and 3 other old long guns that I would tie to a tree with a really long rope on the trigger to shoot.
All I GOT Today was this..40 yard shot...pellet gun....


CO2 airgun rifle...cal .177....
Remington 7mm Mag

My Boys Sniper Combo

1911 Conversion

Middle son.......22 Savage

Middle Son........22 High Standard Victor (yes....he's wear ear plugs)

Youngest Son......10/22

Oldest Daughter......7mm Mag


The Wife.......357 Magnum
You have a beautiful family...that scares the hell out of me!:tomato: