Ncrs Shirts & Stickers

I hope mine gets here tomorrow before I head to Effingham for the Funfest Thursday. I had planned on wearing it Sat at the Funfest to see how many people like it and how many DONT!:bounce:

I usually catch a bunch of comments from some saying I destroyed a Corvette when they see my car, the shirt will just be icing on the cake. :thumbs:

Phil, give us a report after you get back. It's been my experience that nothing's more fun than annoying the purists!
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Has everyone recieved their shirts OK?? and are you happy with them??

I received mine and theyw ere a big hit at the Funfest. I was amazed that NOBODY made any negative comments about it.

Maybe I will try wearing it to Bloomington Gold next year! :devil:
I got mine right before we left for Greece for two weeks. I love it! Great quality. Thanks. I'll be wearing it at Eureka Springs this weekend.
I think it's OH6 that posted about chrome lug nutz over 'there', and they went after me for my input, should see the putdown I stuck on them.....

I directly compared ncrs to ricers, as any fool can bolt parts on a car, but to take a old one and reengineer the thing into something better takes a bit of knowledge, not just parts searches in a resto catalog....

Are you the one that received the “NCRS” Polo shirt with the shark bite on it? It would have been about two years ago now. :D:D
I don't know what you mean. I did not "receive" any shirts. I AM selling these NCRS shirts. These are the ones I have always sold, for the past 6-7 years.
A few years ago someone on the “other” Vette forum was posting similar pics of your NCRS logo. One had a shark with its mouth open and the NCRS in the opening. He sent me that and some other similar jpegs. I had two polo shirts made one I kept and one that I sent to him. My mind is old and all I remember is that he was from the Florida area (I think). I was trying to see if you were that person.

Good luck with your sales. I know they make a big hit at the shows I go to, at least for the people that understand. HAHA
I have that NCRS sticker on my w/shield, and a sweat shirt with that on front and back, it's the only sweatshirt I prize, the rest are just work crap.....:devil::shocking:
Yes I still sell the shirts and stickers.

shirts are available in white, grey, or black

T's, long sleeve & sweatshirts

stickers are 3", 4 1/2", 6" regular or reverse
Details Please -

Payment: PayPal/CC/Check?
Prices: T's, Long Sleve/sweats
Sizes: T's, Long sleeves (3/4 length- or full?)
Sticker Prices
I have that NCRS sticker on my w/shield, and a sweat shirt with that on front and back, it's the only sweatshirt I prize, the rest are just work crap.....:devil::shocking:
Well, put a "I love the Volt" stickers beside it and you'll be trolling at WOT.:devil:
Or maybe not :harhar:
I have that NCRS sticker on my w/shield, and a sweat shirt with that on front and back, it's the only sweatshirt I prize, the rest are just work crap.....:devil::shocking:
Well, put a "I love the Volt" stickers beside it and you'll be trolling at WOT.:devil:
Or maybe not :harhar:

Maybe reword that slightly.....'I LOVE VOLTS'.....
