Anyone notice

And that's how we aim to keep it :) however it's not C3 specific, it's for all years...but most people here are C3 owners.
More business here, good replies and information.....

but I enjoy the OT and PRC sections over there too.....but that C3 section sux these daze....I read threads and wind up just laughing....sometimes it's so simple to correct, I try, other times, I just flat don't feel like it anymore....

anyone for a DCC debate???

I"m up....

That this is becoming a darn good C3 tech site. No real bullshit threads (except here:p)

This is THE best CORVETTE site. Our later generation brothers just don't realise this yet. It's just a matter of time before they join us. "Build it, and they will come." C-1,2,3,4,5,6,7, we cater to them all.
I don't know,i saw somebody posting outside air temps in the tech section the other day :footmouth:

Seriously, I hope these subjects keep coming. On other sites it's always waiting for some interesting technical subject to pop up, besides the usual. Over here it is pretty in depth and you do not get kicked off when saying that one or the other manufacturer is selling bad parts.:quote: