Recent content by Geoff Coenen

  1. Geoff Coenen

    Meme links

    Gone are Jim Acosta, Norah O’Donnell, Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Chris Wallace, and now Joy Reid and Alex Wagner. Even the democRATS are getting rid of democRATS.
  2. Geoff Coenen

    1971 C3 Corvette for sale

    Alan was an old customer of mine. Poof he was gone - it was a mystery why Alan disappeared from participation on Corvette web sites. I will not guess. Anyone know fact?
  3. Geoff Coenen

    Meme links

    I saw that photo. That is a great caption. Coon, Shumer & Pencil Neck - I can't ID the other. The democRAT BENCH - leaders LOL They are greed, avarice, worthless poster boyz for term limits.
  4. Geoff Coenen

    Meme links

    Ripley's Believe it - The title on Citizens Free Press was: Taxpayers fund Seattle masturbation club for gay men The gov't is really screwing straight people - taxing them to pay - queers to do...
  5. Geoff Coenen

    Meme links

    One is not "enuf" Happy Valentines Day
  6. Geoff Coenen

    How about these "Government" Jobs ?

    Did not want to start another gripe - but there are 5" of snow at 12:15 AM and it is supposed to end around 6 AM. I'll plow then. Found this on Citizen Free Press. I'm writing TRUMP to plead for an Executive Order retroactively banning this invention. - "lady's bicycle"
  7. Geoff Coenen

    How about these "Government" Jobs ?

    Public Benefit - My Azz The CT government has added this leftist program to have CT electric bill payers also have to pay for people who don’t pay their own electric bill. I’ve been whacked by this on my bills. So I looked for the CT governors contact and sent this to Gov. Ned Dud Lamont...
  8. Geoff Coenen

    How about these "Government" Jobs ?

    The FBI stated that 5,000 FBI agents (out of the 13,000 total FBI agents) worked on the Jan 6, 2020 Fedsurrection - holy cow - they didn't arrest 5,000 people, didn't confiscate a single gun and the only person murdered by a gun was Ashley Babbit - shot by a "bad cop". WTF were they actually...
  9. Geoff Coenen

    How about these "Government" Jobs ?

    Run the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) $10,400,000.00 a year - yes 10 million Run SoCalifonia Water Dept $750,000.00 a year and let the city burn down Many Public School Superintendents $300,000.00 a year - and the more money they pay these slugs - the worse the Reading and Math scores. WTF...
  10. Geoff Coenen

    TIPS of the Day

    I just went to Wikipedia and they have a timeline at the end of their article. It's incomplete and launders over the actual demise of Bpt Machines legend and most prominent factory. This will be long. I had an excellent employee I lost to Bpt Machines and then hired him back. He originally...
  11. Geoff Coenen

    TIPS of the Day

    Yes "rebranded" - some foreign asian or indian company now owns the "name". I haven't had any tools made in years - so I don't know if they offer anything in the market. I'll have to take a picture of the vacant Bpt Machines lot - it's right across the street from the formerly US owned Water...
  12. Geoff Coenen

    TIPS of the Day

    Watch for blackish (fuel), bluish (oil) or whitish (coolant) smoke coming out of the tailpipe. 11 Days to the Common Sense Adults Being in Charge PS I already lost where I read that first aphorism - I cannot take credit for it. The politicians gutted the neighborhood my warehouse is Iocated...
  13. Geoff Coenen

    Jan 1, 2025

    Amazon and Capitol One Fornicated Me Many years ago I applied to be a merchant on amazon. Along with business name, address, bank, credit card info, they required my Federal EIN number. The Employer Identification Number is what the IRS (?) requires if you have employees. Well they told me my...
  14. Geoff Coenen

    Jan 1, 2025

    I emailed this to a few friends and business associates. Happy New Year And Belated Christmas - Hanukkah Greetings New Years Eve Had a home made Surf and Turf. Artificially Raised Shrimp (?) and Grass Fed Steak (?) with Rice, Fried Green Peppers, Onions, Green Beans. Started with Cherry Tomato...
  15. Geoff Coenen

    What goes around ...

    Remarkable "discovery" of how to make plastic from wood chips, organic debris - not using oil. Wait a minute - my 56-62 and 63-67 Corvettes have wood chip plastic heater cases and ducts - is...