Ralphy, No he's not the Joker, he's Asshole, Flaming Asshole!!
Ban movies? Censorship? Why does there have to be blame? The struggle between good and evil in men's hearts is as old as civilization. Sometimes, there is no reason. It just is.
I agree Bird, and that's one of the fundamental issues that's overlooked when there's talk of banning or legislating behavior. There are just bad people out there, and this chucklehead is one of them, maybe with a higher IQ, but bad none the less.
When there's talk of banning different weapons, it always seems to be forgotten that for the most part, the criminals who do crime with a gun, didn't follow the law to get them in the first place, so more laws have little impact. Just look at the murder rate in Chicago, or DC for instance. You can't get killed by a handgun there 'cause they're illegal and no one has them right?
Looking at the 2nd amendment in it's totality, it's not about hunting or sport. Trying to make it so ignores it's intent.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." I think the conflict is the "well regulated Militia" and "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" parts of the amendment. I think it's about freedom and security, not hunting.
Personally, I don't care what weapons my neighbor has, as long as I'm not at risk simply because he has them. For instance, I don't wan't high explosives stored at his house. Want a 100 round drum magazine or assault rifle? I don't care, it's not about need, it's about your rights. Let's face it, none of us NEEDS a corvette either....and there are lots of arguments against having them, especially the older, less efficient, less safe ones....