i would really like to get the body on the chassis before the summer ends.....
lets trim out the rear area and glue some stuff down...
i am not sure how the rear tire opening trim ring is suppose to look any body have any pictures how the fabric is wrapped around it inside the boot?
seems to me the battery tray carpet doesnt need to be fully glued since you have to be able to get at the DZUS fasteners and it gets stuck under the tire carpet.
i imagine since the tire doesnt protrude fully through the hole i may need to pad the carpet to get a nice tight fitting look.
holes punched for seat belt hardware
glue bulkhead piece
glue leading edge of battery tray cover carpet and vinyl
side panels
notched for the parcel shelf
original holes for the #4 screws, i thought i would have to go up to a number 6 but so far the holes are still "tight", the screws are loose and i am letting the trim panel get use to its new shape before i screw them down. you can see my panel hole marker, i am on my second thumb tack the first one was not very well made.
i think i will trim above the panel closest to the bulk head in either headliner material or grey vinyl so the red paint is not visible