Another update
Well.... my mechanic is now my EX-mechanic. After several weeks of his friend at the machine shop not doing anything with the car I finally ran out of patience and got the local police involved. I had to DEMAND that my car be returned without further delay or excuses. I got tired of the apathetic B.S. my mechanic was handing me and on top of that him telling me that there was no profit left in it for him as he was now doing it the second time "on his dime". What a load of crap.....
I finally got the car back and asked him if it was OK to drive home - he said yes but the bastard didn't have the courtesy to look me in the eye, I guess I had insulted him by getting the police involved.
A day or two later the missus and I take the car out for an evening spin. We get on the highway and are cruising through a construction zone when the car completely shuts off, lights, motor, everything.... then there is a sizeable explosion and the car comes back to life. I drive home and put the car in the garage. A day or two later I discover that the wiring harness melted to the inatke manifold and shorted out. Nice job my EX- mechanic asshole did....
Over the next few days I replaced the engine harness and went over the engine compartment, all of the nuts and bolts were just about hand tight, no more. On top of all of this I still have the lifter tap that I took the motor back after the rebuild for.:crap:
Long story short - my missus is a LAWYER (OK Gene - shut up for just a minute or two longer) and she is pissed that the mechanic did me dirty - so we sue his butt in small claims court and recover some money for the lame ass job that he and his machine shop buddy did. The asswipe from the machine shop didn't even want to tell me what parts were in my motor or what cam I have - supposedly his trade secrets - we all said BULLSHIT and the judge agreed.
After all of this settled down I took it upon myself to rebuild the oil pump, check the oil pressure with a hand held gauge, install the correct oil pressure sending unit and confirm that the dash gauge was reading properly. I also drained the 20w-50 that the machine shop had in the motor and refilled with 10w-30. Bye bye lifter tap!
So here's some pics - but nothing from the engine build.
Here's the old oil pump plate - badly worn. I installed a new set of high volume gears and a booster plate. Now oil pressure is 75 psi at start up and 35-40 psi at cruise, 20 psi at hot idle.
Here's the shorted engine wiring harness.