1978 Darth Vader Vette

WHOA! Can't believe it has been 2 weeks since my last post!

I got the C6 rear clip home a week ago and finally got a little bit of time to mess with it this morning. Prior to placing the clip on the 78, the holes for the 4 tail lights, the 2 marker lights and the gas lid opening have to be cut out.

Here is the clip sitting my my driveway.
Clip at Home.jpg

Here is where I stopped. No fun drilling fiberglass with the wind gusts we had today!

Tail lights pre-drilled.jpg

I wanted a different gas lid - yeah, I could paint the stock lid black to match the rest of the car but I decided to go back to SpeedVette.COm and purchase their offering. The gas lid far exceeded my expectations! One thing that surprised me was how heavy it was.
Gas Lid Top.jpg
It was hard to take a good picture of the lid - is it so shiny but I hope you can see the quality in the picture. Well worth the $149.

This may sound like a lofty goal but I would like to have the this thing setting on the 78 by the end of the week. Not necessarily glued down but there!

Hopefully more tomorrow! Stay away wind!!! :nuts:
So, it's been a while... any update on the Vadar Vette?

Did something stupid & hurt my back. Had to hold off on Darth for a bit.

I did get some time to work on the car this morning. Lovin this weather!!!

Jeff supplied new rear filler panels with the clip to support the wider back side of the clip. First thing I did was remove the existing rear panels - dead blow hammer and a 5 in 0ne putty knife made short work of them. Got them off in less than 5 minutes.

The next step is to cut a small portion of the rear outside corner circled in this picture.
L Rear Panel B1.jpg

I marked out the outline of where I needed to cut shown in this shot.
LR Cut Out 1.jpg

Then, using a oscillating saw, I cut out the small piece. Next picture is of the area cut away

LR Cut Out 2.jpg

Last picture is a rough fit of the replacement filler panel.

LR Filler 1.jpg

I am only showing pictures of the driver side of the car but I did the work on both sides. I am trying to get as much work done on the existing body prior to setting the clip on it. It is much easier to do it right now then after the clip is on. Once the clip is laid in place, I can get the final location on the filler panels and bond the filler panels in place.

With the filler panels in place, I can get the clip aligned and the wheel wells centered. Then it will be time to bond the clip on permanently.

More next week!

The back as feeling a tad better last week and I've been chomping at the bit to to ANYTHING! I purchased a bunch of serpentine pulleys, brackets and bolts off eBay and decided to powder coat them. I have a large blasting cabinet with a foot pedal so I loaded the parts and blasted the parts in shifts. Here is the Before picture:
Extra Pulleys & Bolts R.jpg

I got a new powder from Caswell Plating - Super Wet Black. Nice stuff to work with.


Pulleys and Brackets R.jpg

While I was at it, I went ahead and took care of the ZBar and a couple other items.
ZBar & Mount Brackets R.jpg

I have been toying with several ideas on the rear tail lights. The one that is growing on me:

Full Lens R.jpg


The reason I went with the C6 rear clip is I liked the shape of it, not to turn the car into a C6. I am thinking of using the C6 back up lights but not 100%. Might keep it low tech and go with custom LEDs of some sort.

Sucks that I can't work on getting the rear clip mounted because just sitting and thinking of stuff just cost more $$$$$:eek:

Let me know what you think!

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I attacked a problem I had forgotten about - #4 body mount brackets. Both sides were rotted out. Here is a picture of the passenger side bracket.

Before R.jpg

I used a very thin (1/16") cutting wheel in a 18V battery drill to cut the original welds. There wasn't very much welding across the top edge which made it easier. After 15 minutes and 3 cut off wheels later, here is the results.

After R.jpg

After a small amount of grinding on the frame welds, I clamped the new bracket in place.

New Mount 3 R.jpg

Now, all I have to do is clean up the area then get the welder out to the car and weld away. Then I'll be half done!!!! :drink:
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Been a while

Any updates ?

I was forced to wrapped the Vader Vette up for the winter - literally. But, with some help, made a tiny bit of progress before doing so.

78 -R.JPG

While I am on "light duty" until spring, I am focusing my attention to the interior and wiring. I purchased a set of digital gauges from Intellitronix and will use their GPS for the speedo. I want to have lighted toggle switches for everything if possible - headlights, dimmer, wipers, running lights, parking lights. I am also planning PUSH to start with RFID.

I spent a few hours today researching door poppers and solenoids for the doors and maybe the hood too. I want the sleek aerodynamic look so shaving the doors is a must. Auto Loc seems to be the go to people for that kind of stuff. Plenty of "cheap" stuff on eBay but I don't think I want to go cheap in this area.

I am following along with Donnie_19's thread on his LS/Vintage Air mods. I want to use Vintage Air also but am concerned with how much room it will take up behind the center gauge area. I was planning a double din 7" LCD/stereo/GPS for that spot. We will see.

I am not very artistic but I will try to draw out my idea for the custom dash and post it up here. I think removing the rear clip will be easier!!!

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I used the C6 door latches. They have a built in manual pull that I installed under my seat like the c6. I thought about shaving the door handles but I really like the look of the old C3 door handles so I converted the C3 door handle to push a button on a push pad. It would have been even easier to do if I had just shaved them. I did have to notch into my bird cage to install the door latches. The latch on the c6 is in the birdcage and not in the door. It turned out very slick. It is super easy to open the door now. I wired it to a key-less entry and can open the door from it also. I still need to glass over the part I cut out but it won't take much.

Hopefully this link will work.


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Nice job Darren! I like that a lot!!! :mobeer:I would like to get some detail on the installation. Where did you get your parts? I could still shave the doors if the remote works the doors.

Thanks for the info.

These are what I bought. You can find them cheaper on ebay. I think I only paid about $90 for the pair. That's less then I would have paid for the heavy duty solenoids that I would need to work the door latches in my c3. My C3 door would not open easly. My 6 year old son had trouble opening the doors now my 4 year old daughter can do it without any trouble.

I will take some pictures of how I have them installed. I removed all of the old latching system out of the door(Latch, inside pull handle, Lock). It made the door feel so much more solid(Nothing rattling) Right now I don't have the windows/track in. I used a spare set of doors for testing but the spare set are going to stay and I'll move the windows over to the spare set. They fit better than the doors I had on the car.

When I was looking at doing shaved door handles I was worried about how to get into the car if the battery died. The cool thing about these is the manual pull is built onto the latch. The drivers side has two pulls one for inside and one for outside. The Passenger side has one inside. The inside pulls I mounted on the floor by the door sill back next to the seat. It fit great and it looks like it was made for the c3.

The latches work on just two wires like any solenoids. The wiring took me a while but that was just because I wanted to use the electric door handles and do a logical electric lock. I wired mine so that if I hit the lock button the outside/inside electric door handles won't work. I did the inside so that I wouldn't accidentally hit the inside button and the door fly open. If you are just straight shaving and have no electric door handles and don't need to lock it than it should be a breeze.

These are what I bought. You can find them cheaper on ebay. I think I only paid about $90 for the pair. That's less then I would have paid for the heavy duty solenoids that I would need to work the door latches in my c3. My C3 door would not open easly. My 6 year old son had trouble opening the doors now my 4 year old daughter can do it without any trouble.

I will take some pictures of how I have them installed. I removed all of the old latching system out of the door(Latch, inside pull handle, Lock). It made the door feel so much more solid(Nothing rattling) Right now I don't have the windows/track in. I used a spare set of doors for testing but the spare set are going to stay and I'll move the windows over to the spare set. They fit better than the doors I had on the car.

When I was looking at doing shaved door handles I was worried about how to get into the car if the battery died. The cool thing about these is the manual pull is built onto the latch. The drivers side has two pulls one for inside and one for outside. The Passenger side has one inside. The inside pulls I mounted on the floor by the door sill back next to the seat. It fit great and it looks like it was made for the c3.

The latches work on just two wires like any solenoids. The wiring took me a while but that was just because I wanted to use the electric door handles and do a logical electric lock. I wired mine so that if I hit the lock button the outside/inside electric door handles won't work. I did the inside so that I wouldn't accidentally hit the inside button and the door fly open. If you are just straight shaving and have no electric door handles and don't need to lock it than it should be a breeze.


Thanks Darren - this is perfect for the Vader Vette. I think it is a much better approach then using a bunch of solenoids, cables and pulleys. I had planned on rebuilding both doors in the spring so this is perfect timing. I can acquire all the parts and just do it.

I have a bunch of street rod friends and most have shaved their door handles. They all say to have a hidden cable to open the door if the battery dies. Appreciate the idea and input.

Well my friends - the Darth Vader Vette will be going on the back shelf for a while. I got an email from a good friend, David, who stated he will be purchasing a Lime Rock Green C7 with the Corvette Museum delivery in the spring of 2014. He asked that I go with him to bring it home.

When I read the email to my wife, she said, "Let's get one too"! WOW!! You could have knocked me over with a feather. Did not see that coming. So, I will be getting a Torch Red C7 in the spring of 2014 with the museum delivery and coming home with my good buddy David!

She also told me to build a garage for the C7 - which is why Darth has to go on the back burner. I have this summer to get the garage build to be ready. I am hoping to make some progress on Darth but not anywhere near what I had intended.

I will still be peeking in on you all to see how you are doing.

Thanks for following along!

That sounds like the kind of things my wife has said over the years. Finding women like that is rare and precious so they are definately keepers!:friends:
A new day!

Well gang - the only constant is CHANGE!!! After we planned on getting a new C7 in April 2014 and building a new garage, the walls came crumbling down. Wife was informed that her job was going away! Schmidt happens right!!!

So, the GOOD NEWS! This takes Darth off the back burner! I will get Darth unwrapped from its winter storage and get busy converting it from a 78 Corvette to DARTH!!!!

Thanks to a lead from SHAKERATTLEROLL, I ordered front fender flares from Custom Image Corvettes yesterday. Instead of grafting in the flare, then trying to get it right, Custom Image has a totally different slant on it. They offer the complete quarter panel that already has the fender flares. The way I see it, this is a huge time saver. Rip off the existing panel, align the new quarter and bond it on. AND, I don't have to worry about removing the several layers of paint that is on the current panels!! WIN - WIN - WIN!!!

Now MOD creative geniuses! I am looking for ideas of modding the side vents - something more "space ship" looking. Any ideas????

The hood is another area where I am open to ideas - again something more space ship oriented. I have 2 stock hoods to play with!

Once unwrapped, I will start on the C6 rear clip. I have several modifications to make to convert it from a C6 to a Darth rear clip. Also, there isn't any provision for any kind of rear impact absorption so I have to come up with something there - just to do it right.

Now the fun begins!!!!:yahoo::yahoo:
WOOHOO! I was trolling through eBay last night looking for a used serpentine belt system for project. I figured I will get a pulley here and a bracket there right? Well, I found a complete serpentine system from a 89 Corvette that includes all the pulleys, brackets, alternator, PS pump, smog pump and AC Compressor! I won the auction for $89.36!!! Add the $39.99 shipping to it and I am at $129.35 for the whole enchilada!!!


I can rebuild the alternator and the power steering pump, not sure if the AC compressor will even work on the 78 and I will not need the smog pump. I will start blasting all the brackets and pulleys so I can powder coat them glass black.

It's all good!!
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Rear Wing

Here is the F1 spoiler I want to copy for the Darth Vader Vette - SPOILER

Rather than mess with the gas tank - I have come up with 2 different ideas to gain access to the gas lid!

1. Use a latching system similar to the trunk release on most modern cars. Hinge the front edge of the spoiler between the support and spoiler. Imbed the latch in the rear of the support and the pin into the back edge of the support. Push the button and the spoiler pops up. I would have to build in limits to prevent the spoiler to from going to far forward.

2. Imbed mini hydraulic telescoping cylinders in each of the 2 supports. One front and one to the back of each spoiler. Flip a toggle switch and the spoiler raises up enough to gain access to tee filler cap!

Number 2 is my favorite idea but more complicated.

Sorry - I can't draw for love or money, nor do I have a program to do so!

Once our Cavalcade of Corvettes is over with next weekend, I want to jump into making some great progress on this project. Been too darn long!!
Any thoughts, ideas, opinions or guidance appreciated!

OK - it has been long enough. Darth has been sitting for too long and no attention to making forward progress. Well, things are moving.

First, Darth has been moved into the garage and is up on jack stands. I have replaced the #4 body mount frame brackets, the reinforcement cages and bushings.

I have purchased C6 tall rear view mirrors, C6 door latch mechanisms (thank you Heavy) and the Rack Attack steering assembly and a Vintage Air mini heat and AC unit.

Today, I made a deal with a friend for his new, never used TKO600 and rebuilt 3:73 rear. Now I can move my rebuilt 3:36 and rebuilt ST-10 outta here.

No pictures at this time but now we are starting to rock and roll with Darth. My biggest issue right now is to find a way to easily lift off and replace the C6 rear clip as I make modifications to the body to accept the clip. I am thinking of using my 2000# wench with a pulley mounted in the ceiling. I can attach to the sides of the rear window opening.

Oh, the wife went shopping at Costco this afternoon and purchased a 31" Darth Vader doll. She got it to give me inspiration to work on the car! Now if it could only turn wrenches!!! Darth - used the force!!! LOL

All good fun! :drink: :drink:
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