2004r manual?

Not cheap, but I'd be interested in what is in it. The ASTM manual is adequate if you're contemplating a rebuild, but this one seems to promise upgrades.
Thats whats got me awoundering, have plenty of manuals for the basic rebuilds, its the extra I am after to build a few spare stage #3s.

I have a stage 3 2004R now from a known vender, already have been thru it from one end to another, will reserve comment on whats inside till I learn more.

I'll just say it didn't like too many nutral drops.:suicide::suicide::suicide:


Its repaired, just want spares before I beat the shit out of it again, only takes a few hours to swap a tranny.

Thats whats got me awoundering, have plenty of manuals for the basic rebuilds, its the extra I am after to build a few spare stage #3s.

I have a stage 3 2004R now from a known vender, already have been thru it from one end to another, will reserve comment on whats inside till I learn more.

I'll just say it didn't like too many nutral drops.:suicide::suicide::suicide:


Its repaired, just want spares before I beat the shit out of it again, only takes a few hours to swap a tranny.


DAmn MIKEY, you blasted that one pretty good there......I recomment NO neutral drops for the future....eh what???:ghost:

I dunno jack about that book above, but would love to get a copy for referance, as when building my 200 some years ago, I used the ATSG guide and the TRANS GO KIT and followed directions well....

works fine....

Has anyone bought this?
Is it worth $65.00?


Ordered the manual, hope its worth it. Also need something new to read in the "out house".

When you get it, please forward/post a copy of any additional info not covered in the ATSG guide....especially about any mods...and known trouble points...

I maybe even interested in buying it off you sometime, when you finished with it....
