I heard back from my world traveling buddy. He indicates that many US hot rod builders are now going to flatheads v8's becausethey are some how [going to be/] exempt from "eliminated from environmental rule changes". You may want to check into that.
Flathead Info as recieved:
"Frank, probably best if your guy calls Dave to discuss with him. He is the worlds best at building a flattie. He built mine and it is awesome. It is 41/4" stroke 3 5/16" bore, big valves, ported stellite seats. Forged alluminum main cap. Too much to try to mention. Dave is a great guy and can explain all the things that need to happen. He worked with Jack Rousch at Ford and developed the BOSS 302 package back in the day.
Dave Tatom 360 770 3760. Tell your friend to mention my name.
He should use a flat head. The US builders are doing this because they will be eliminated from environmental rule changes