345/30r19 on the rear of a 79 vette

Mybad79 .. do it! do it! do it! ... I am just like you ... i like the stock wheels so much ... it took me 2 years to decide what i wanted to do .. then i found a place that would make me some wheels for a somewhat reasonable price ... go big rubber with your flared car ... we had mine sitting in the rear wheel wells of Jeremy's car (stinger12) and it looks bad ass ... i think he has a pic on his thread somewhere. You guys with flared cars have so much room to fill, 335's or 345's with 12 inch wide rims is a must ... bigger is always better .. I don't regret it one bit and the car will handle like you would not believe.
what mods will I need to do to get a 20x10 under the rear of my c-3 (79). They have 5.5 backspacing. Are there any problems I should know about before hand? Also sorry for asking a question on your thread, not trying to hijack it, just get some info from someone who has done what i am looking to do.

Depends on what size rubber you are putting on ... i used offset trailing arms ... i think you might run into trouble around the trailing arm openning ... look for threads by BeeJay .. i am pretty sure he started a thread outlining his mod to the area i am talking about.
You need some modest, maybe 2" flares in the back. That would be so fun to do.

I would love to try some natural, non-stepped flares on a C3.
The cleanest way would be to remodel the entire rear quarter to pull it out so it looks stock. That would look awesome, just like how that blue thunder racing car from germany had it. (go to http://www.thunder-racing.de for some pics)
body and paint on my car are already perfect so body mods are out of the question. Not gonna cut up the quarter on a great looking car. Anything else i am willing to do, mod wise. If things go well I may have a '78 to cut on by the weekend. Then it's game on, the 78 has to be painted anyway.
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Click on the pic of the car and you will get in just fine. The gallery isn't working.
Yeah I know how you feel. I wanted to flare before I painted but then I would have had to buy new wheels, and change my username again.

Someday though, maybe on a different C3. Now that I've done body and paint work I'm not so afraid of it. If someone ran into me I wouldn't cry about it as long as they gave me enough money for supplies to fix it. It would be fun.

Plus, white is so easy. Try matching a scratched panel with pearl paint.
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Click on the pic of the car and you will get in just fine. The gallery isn't working.

I don't see a picture of anything. Only the site under custruction notice

I used to own a body shop, so doing the work isn't really a problem for me, it's ruining a great paintjob for something trivial like getting a wider wheel under it. I don't want them that bad. I plan to stuff as much under there as will fit for sure. Is there a post on that somewhere that I have missed? widest wheel that will fit under a stock c3? I am sure that has been asked here before. I am running an 8 rear now, I am certain that a 10 will fit with the proper backspacing. Wider than that i don't know. snakeater
The six link was bought from steve at dragvette ... he has a few different configurations ... the one i used was for a dual mount spring set up and larger axles with aftermarket trailing arms ... i am not using a dual mount spring but his kit for a dual mount spring looks a little more professional .. but you loose the inside axle loops. Thanks i am very happy with the way the wheels look on the car .. i had a few regrets when they showed up on my door step ... but they are all gone now that they are bolted on the car with massive rubber on them.
I agree twin turbo that car looks awsome ... that is the best looking way to flare a car ... but i bet it would take a ton of work.... way beyond my capacity.