3M mixing gun. Is there something cheaper?


Garage Monkey
Staff member
Mar 5, 2008
Right here
The dual cartridge gun that 3M sells for adhesives like 8115 is pretty expensive. Anyone know of a "generic" one?

As an alternative, I have a buddy that has a SEM dual cartridge gun that I can borrow. Anyone know an SEM equal to 3M 8115?
They're usually $80-$100....
I bought one on Ebay - it was new and I think I paid only $35.

Just went to the toolbox and made sure mine is a 3M and not a SEM... SEM guns are on Ebay for $50 but I dunno if their cartridges are the same size.

You can borrow mine if you want.
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I know someone that has a SEM gun but the SEM gun won't work with the 3M stuff, right? Do you know of a SEM product that is equal to the 3M 8115?
I just tried to fit a Duramix cartridge in my #m gun, it won't fit. The 3M cartridges have two different diameters.

Here's what the gun and the cartridge look like:



If it's just a small job you can squeeze it with two screwdrivers :thumbs:
That looks like the right gun Karsten, same setup I used. The cartridge just pops in. Make sure the "pusher" arm is all the way back/out, line the cartridge up so that the smaller side goes in first with the long U slot at the front sliding in between the cartridge body and the little "colllar". Then squeeze the trigger...
The last time I used it was about 7 years ago and the local body supply store had a couple they loaned out for customers. Maybe you can find a store near you for the same deal. I'll have to use another one when ever I get back to my 69 to glue in the headlight support.
Did it work Karsten?

Did what work ?

The 3M cartridges fit just fine in my 3M gun, just the Duramix won't fit so I'll just "manually" squeeze it whenever I need it - not buying another gun....

Larry, what did you end up doing ? Did you buy SEM adhesive to fit your buddy's gun or do you want to borrow my 3M gun so you can use the 8115 ???
I'm going to check on Monday to see what SEM makes that is eqal to 8115. However, I sanded the paint off the area that needs repair this weekend. There are no cracks in the facia to fill, just scrapes. Maybe there is something else I could use to surface it?
What exactly are you doing ? 8115 is not a filler.... scratches ???

Sounds like you can use 2K urethane primer/surfacer ... what car ?? Vette (fiberglass/SMC) ??? or a urethane (plastic) bumper ??
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The car is my GF's Pacifica. The front was deformed enough to crack the paint making me believe that the cover itself had cracked (pretty deep gouges in the bumper cover). Today I removed all the paint that had popped and sanded it. I didn't find any cracks in the material but some pretty good gouges.
Yes, a long flat head screw driver. Push it out, mix it up with a chopstick, apply.