50 dollar paint job challenge....

Maybe some metallic added to the aluminum? Or will the gray hide the metallic? Also depends how much extra stuff you're willing to add if you want to keep this semi-strictly rustoleum.
P.S. There is nothing shitty about my paint job, other than the rock chips from constantly spinning the tires.

Avatar pic was taken with no flash, I think it looks pretty damn good.
It dried that fast without any hardner in it? what ratio were you mixing it? Hmmmmm that's a handy little piece of info. there. I will try the lacquer thinner tomorrow.

No, just "tack dry" that means that just the surface is dry so dust won't stick to it, but the paint is still soft.

If you use a viscosity cup to get close and use the right temp thinner you should be able to get a smooth finish without runs.
Rustoleum will never have the sheen of any real auto paint, especially when reduced.

Years ago we even put straight auto enamel (closest to Rustoleum) on a hot plate until it got hot enough to smoke a bit, then sprayed. It allowed a lot less use of reducers. Then used a salamander to heat up the paint booth and body to around 130° and the end result was complete flow out, but enamel drys slowly.
Sankeeater, I don't see any clear enamel in that link. What clear are you using?
sorry havn't been on in a while. I shot some acrylic clear over a couple test panels. I won't use that on the car, don't know if it will stay put.
sorry havn't been on in a while. I shot some acrylic clear over a couple test panels. I won't use that on the car, don't know if it will stay put.

Is it clear in a quart can from Rustoleum just like the other paint?