78-82 stock seats


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
stock seats, they're complete but need some TLC. They used to be oyster but at some point in time the buckets were painted black and recovered. I just put them up in the attic a few weeks ago and I'd like to get rid of them and find someone who can get some use out of them before they dry rot up there....

$200 for both, incl seat tracks. Shipping is going to be a real pain and it's going to be expensive. Local pickup preferred - Orlando FL
The car they came out of, was it Burgundy color by chance, maybe with traces of OEM? Orange under it....

and a really serious cumulative issue with the baked out console and HVAC controls??? evidence of jury rigging and make shift repairs all over that area???

IF so, I know that car....

nope, these are the stock seats out of my '79, the car was originally black with oyster interior.

Odd in that I can't imagine many folks changing from white to black interior/seats in FLORIDA.....which is what a old gal I knew years ago did.....

bought a guys vette from across the street from me...I helped her fix it up, and then one of her changes was to paint/dye the seats....nice oyster leather, and the interior also...black...

she made about 7 grand on the car when she sold it ...so good on her....
