81 to 75 diff swap


didn't take you long to become an expert on differential rebuilding.....did it.

i see you are publishing a paper on CF that looks to be just like Garys.

that's thievery


You're kidding right?
Last edited:

very serious business.

haven't you ever done a paper in school and haven't your teachers taught you better?

Stinger12 has given full credit where credit was due...he references Gary's techniques, parts and services in just about every post on the subject. He doesn't claim to be the master, but does do whatever he can to help fellow enthusiasts. I think just about anyone, Gary included, wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly, he has probably done more to help Gary's business than just about anyone in recent history: most people would look at all the time involved, and just call Gary to have a unit built.Had Stinger 12 not fully credited Gary,and claimed all this knowledge as being from his own years of experience, I would agree with you. Stinger12, good job! :beer:

didn't take you long to become an expert on differential rebuilding.....did it.

i see you are publishing a paper on CF that looks to be just like Garys.

that's thievery


Uh-oh....Plagiarism. That can't be a good thing :suicide:
Stinger12 has given full credit where credit was due...he references Gary's techniques, parts and services in just about every post on the subject. He doesn't claim to be the master, but does do whatever he can to help fellow enthusiasts. I think just about anyone, Gary included, wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly, he has probably done more to help Gary's business than just about anyone in recent history: most people would look at all the time involved, and just call Gary to have a unit built.Had Stinger 12 not fully credited Gary,and claimed all this knowledge as being from his own years of experience, I would agree with you. Stinger12, good job! :beer:

a superhero for sure!
Stinger12 has given full credit where credit was due...he references Gary's techniques, parts and services in just about every post on the subject. He doesn't claim to be the master, but does do whatever he can to help fellow enthusiasts. I think just about anyone, Gary included, wouldn't have a problem with it. Honestly, he has probably done more to help Gary's business than just about anyone in recent history: most people would look at all the time involved, and just call Gary to have a unit built.Had Stinger 12 not fully credited Gary,and claimed all this knowledge as being from his own years of experience, I would agree with you. Stinger12, good job! :beer:

I suppose that's ONE way of looking at it. Another is that all the information was already posted a while ago by Gary in great detail and fully illustrated. So why re-post what's already been posted?? No original thought or different/better methods were revealed. The fact is NO credit should have needed to be given because this rehash was never needed.

As an informational point, the Dana 60 rear end wasn't a 9 inch unit. It was a 9 3/4 inch size ring gear.
didn't take you long to become an expert on differential rebuilding.....did it.

i see you are publishing a paper on CF that looks to be just like Garys.

that's thievery................ :bonkers:


Interesting.......... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

03-30-2008, 06:41 PM #13
CF Senior Member

GTR1999's Avatar

Member Since: Aug 1999
Location: New Haven CT

Nice job Jeremy, my star student!!!
You built a very good unit that few would attempt to do and one in which there are probably less then a finger count that could/would build it like that.

Built the old fashioned way- in the USA
Interesting.......... :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

03-30-2008, 06:41 PM #13
CF Senior Member

GTR1999's Avatar

Member Since: Aug 1999
Location: New Haven CT

Nice job Jeremy, my star student!!!
You built a very good unit that few would attempt to do and one in which there are probably less then a finger count that could/would build it like that.

Do you guys honestly think I would have posted all this info if Gary and Mike weren't okay with it?
Now im a little worried,I didnt know their were other people building 12bolt conversions.I did check out the guys ebay rating-100%. I already told the guy I would take it before I read all this ,I just hope whoever built it did a good job.:banghead:
Hi Guys,
I just saw this post and since my name came up I'd like to express my opinion without turning this into a free for all and to actually help( I hope) the original poster.

First off on Jeremy. When I first "met" him I thought he was another dumb ass kid, true some of his comments have been off base at times, but he really has come a long way in a short time. I guess you can say I mentored him some in both the work I do and in the "corvette world" in general. I've seen the progress he's made and have to say he has done a great job. It cost him more in cash and in relationships with others on the various forums but that is part of the learning curve. I agree the term "expert" has been overused. It is one term, along with "bullit-proof", that I never cared for. To me an expert knows EVERYTHING about a given subject. I don't consider myself an expert. I learn new things all the time so maybe I'm a dumb-ass!:nuts: Also everything will break given enough abuse so that why I don't care for the other term. Jeremy is no more a threat to me than I am to any vendor- other then calling out lousy work I see.

So let's calm down a little everyone. I have no problem that Jeremy posted his work,some of it is pretty much what I have posted in the past/present but I think the objective was the same and that is to help others. I do appreciate those that have supported me as well but this really is not a problem. I've already dealt with some in the past posing under different names playing games.

I have said many times most of the procedures I use are not ones I originated, in fact tuned posi's were started by Pepe Estrada before Tom bought him out I believe. I have a 1975 publication showing Pepe building a 12 bolt vette setup. This is not to say Tom has taken anything away from the process, he's been doing them for 30 years. His work speaks for itself. A good portion of what I post can be found in any good manual. The goal was to show how to do the work with homemade tools and when a machined part or procedure is better then some of what is offered elsewhere.

The nice thing about this place and DC is we can post procedures like this to help others without the greed and petty complains that other places now have. I'm sure that the complainers at some sites are here as well lurking as the place grows. Maybe they should be more concerned with their own QC then what others are saying? I was taught a long time ago to do a job that you can put your name on- and I do. The work is the best advertising you can hope for, glossy pages or fancy websites sometimes may be nothing but a false front but that's another story.

As for that 12 bolt for sale. I also saw it and questioned it but never posted anything as I have no interest getting in the middle of someone's deal. I would think someone would research any item that may be in question. It could be one of Toms as he can build them anyway a customer wants. I don't think the addition of springs to a tuned posi would be of any benefit.
If you go to Tom's web page I believe he has a 12 bolt there. The things I saw on this one were the springs, case, and that steel cap. Again it could be just older parts used but that's between the 2 parties to decide.

For the original poster, do you need a 12 bolt? the ratios start at 373 and go up. They are a great custom built unit but the main question is what are you going to use the car for? If you're going to keep the car,add some more HP/torque, beat on it at the track then yes I would convert to an iron unit. Maybe all you need is a good custom built 10-bolt?They can be built much better then those 80-82 units or the common stock rebuilts out there. But, as with everything, it comes with a price. You can look over my posts on the subject, if you're able to do this then gather the parts and go for it.

Good luck
I think a 10 bolt, built good, would work fine,IM running around 500hp maybe a little less,most of my driving is street. But i would like to get in a little track time,Its something I havent tried. I thought I had a line on a good 10 bolt but got impatient waiting to hear back. I assumed the 12bolt was a older tyoms unit,If not its my fault for getting impatient.I already told the guy I would take it so im obligated now,I appreciate all the help.
Several people have asked me to reply to this thread. Since Gary did the write up papers I can't comment on the plagerism. That's Gary's decision which he has already replied. Jeremy did misquote me on a few procedures. I have access to equipment that most people don't. Primarily a cap grinder. I machine all my caps for fit. Jeremy has no access to one so I told him how to do it by hand and fit the races. It's not the most accurate method but it will work. Someone referred to this as a buuba fix and in a way they are correct. But that is not how I do it. It would have been much easier for me to tell him that he can't do it and should send it to me to do it right.
Jeremy reminds me alot of myself when I was 18, the good and the bad. Willing to learn and short tempered. Is it so surprising that he got upset and a little mouthy from turtle's comment? Has everyone forgotten he was burned three times by a well known vendor in Florida after being repeatedly told by many "other forum" members to purchase from them?
Am I bothered with some of his comments? Yes. Am I surprised. No. Plagerism? Not on my end.
So much for the suger coated, now for not so nice.
Turtle, Congratulations! You must be so proud that you pissed off an 18 year old with another one of your snide comments and left field observations. Haven't you noticed that no one is paying attention to what you post other than for the shock factor? That's a lousy way to get attention. Is your life so miserable that your only means of fulfillment is irritating other people? At least have the balls to start a new thread in the appropriate forum to voice your unrelated opinions instead of side tracking one dedicated to actually helping someone.
To everyone else I wish to aplogize for going off on a rant, especially to hkc3. He asked a legitimate question and now this thread is completely off track.
I don't normally go off on rants or induce personal attcks. They are distracting and appease no one. Well maybe one. I was asked to reply to this thread. I have.
OK, so after all the tap dancing and pissin an moanin is done:
What is the best solution for the OP to use?
75 model cast, Toms unit, 10 bolt?
Differentials are far from my primary knowlwdge base, so I am asking to learn.
I am a long ways thru my frame off on my 81 and will be seriously bumping the HP and I already know the stock unit is crap and not much can be done about it.
If the Batwing can stay, whats the best bolt in unit to go with?

Nice job on your paper, it never hurts to get annother perspective on things especially since you credited Mike and Gary on their input, those guys do great work.
Turtle, Congratulations! You must be so proud that you pissed off an 18 year old with another one of your snide comments and left field observations. Haven't you noticed that no one is paying attention to what you post other than for the shock factor? That's a lousy way to get attention. Is your life so miserable that your only means of fulfillment is irritating other people? At least have the balls to start a new thread in the appropriate forum to voice your unrelated opinions instead of side tracking one dedicated to actually helping someone.

He's getting a $3000 unit for $1200 bucks. Seems to me a no brainer. That's my contribution to this thread.

Yes, my life is miserable. It was raining all weekend and i needed something to do.

stinger12 reminds me a little of a super hero we know.

please call me to discuss setting up my 80-82 aluminum unit. I'll post a detailed paper on the process shortly afterwards. I'll put your name right below mine.
A couple of comments and then I'm gone.

#1 I APPRECIATE Turtle keeping an eye on things over here. No, he's not a mod. He's a CONCERNED member. That is NOT a bad thing. If EVERYONE took as much concern as Turtle does on this and EVERY forum, there would be a lot less MISinformation posted. It had nothing to do with trying to piss off ANYONE or any "need for attention". If Turtle wanted to screw with someone, he would screw with me or the rest of our core group. We can take it as well as dish it out. :smash:

#2 Gary posted his opinion and I respect it. He has no beef with someone pretty much copying everything he posted. That's cool for him.


One has to one WHY anone would feel the need to RE-POST something that was already been done so much better by Gary and others. THAT appears to be more of a need of attention than anything Turtle has said.

A couple of comments and then I'm gone.

#1 I APPRECIATE Turtle keeping an eye on things over here. No, he's not a mod. He's a CONCERNED member. That is NOT a bad thing. If EVERYONE took as much concern as Turtle does on this and EVERY forum, there would be a lot less MISinformation posted. It had nothing to do with trying to piss off ANYONE or any "need for attention". If Turtle wanted to screw with someone, he would screw with me or the rest of our core group. We can take it as well as dish it out. :smash:

#2 Gary posted his opinion and I respect it. He has no beef with someone pretty much copying everything he posted. That's cool for him.


One has to one WHY anone would feel the need to RE-POST something that was already been done so much better by Gary and others. THAT appears to be more of a need of attention than anything Turtle has said.


I see your point, but I will say this (and shut up, as this subject has been beat to death already!). I have been around the car hobby for 23 years, and while I know a little more than the average guy about building cars I am new to the Corvette world.Stinger12's posts did two things:One, they showed that an average guy (hes 18, with little car experience before this) could rebuild his own trailing arms and differential, using his own wits, service manuals, and most importantly, the knowledge of those who do this professionally. The other forum, while I enjoy it, is overrun with checkbook hot rodders whose first answer to any question is what vendor to farm it out to. That isn't my style, and it apparently isn't Stinger12's , either.I think its great that Gary and Mike took the time to help him out, when they could have told him to just send it to them. That, to me, is commedable, because it is actions like that that are going to bring new blood into the hobby, and both directly and indirectly help their respective businesses.

Two, Stinger12's post brought a LOT of scattered information together in one place, with new pictures (often missing from archived posts, IF you can find them), as well as sources for the parts. I'm sure plenty of members will read the post, not want to go through the hassle, and call Gary or Mike. AT least they have a better idea why its expensive, and know what they are paying for.
wow. The rears on its way I will check it out real well before installing I have to change the 513s for 411s, it has a welded tab for a third spyder? Does anyone make a heavy duty cover for 81s. Im ordering the 1350 axle kit from toms,along with half shaft loops,frame reinforcement kit,Do I need to go to the suspension thread to ask wheres the best place to get adjustable strut rods,355# rear spring,is trw the best,Im going to rebuild my t/a s if there in good enough shape, I got the car when I lived in texas so rust is minimal.Im not sure yet if I will try swapping the 513s,I printed gtr's t/a rebuilding [Thank You] and i can do it, then I read his diff rebuilding and I dont have many of the tools I will need.Bairds isnt far from here and I heard their good. Hopefully Ill get it going before hot weather gets here.