Thanks bird. It's always nice when someone else toots your horn for you. With the help of yuse guys here, I hope to make it superber over time.
That's a whole lot better than a CFI. I gotta get my hands on one of those LS engines someday. Really, why is anyone messing about with this old SBC junk anymoreKind of sucks they are still pretty expensive here.
That's a whole lot better than a CFI. I gotta get my hands on one of those LS engines someday. Really, why is anyone messing about with this old SBC junk anymoreKind of sucks they are still pretty expensive here.
Since I'm going to stuff an LS1/T56 in a white 82 sometimes soon, I was wondering if you have pics of how you did the AC compressor install.
Referring to this one?
superpowers, isn't he the XS power china stainless exhaust vendor?
Referring to this one?
Yep. It's coming back to me. In addition to fugly I had to harass the shi* out of them to finish the damn thing and ship it. I think SUPERPOWERS unit is the same or close in price (two different levels for steel and aluminum) and from the pics looks like a much much better design and build quality.
There is another one that's a whole package using a modern style A/C for around $750 from a famous Rods and Customs place I can't remember the name of to save my life. I *think* it's in Arkansas. . . This is already several years ago now.
Street and Perf. in Mena Ark, has always been very overpriced....
Here's a question, is the belt routing correct in the pic. I thought the f body tensioners all pulled the belt up.
Does this superpowers guy have a website for ordering or something? Not thrilled about giving CC info to just anybody