Long time nothing new but I finally got my tanks back and got it all assembled again.
I had them back earlier and when I was cleaning them I found out they were coated poorly, the primer coat was showing through in some spots making for a cloudy whitish hue.
Back they went and they came back looking good...only problem..I forgot the locking rings OOPS. They were in a bucket with zinc plated parts that I didn't take with me...crap.
Also had to tacke the cooling system since the nifty rad I have in it has a dual -12 hookup instead of a big 20 or 24 (or a normal hose bung) so I had to fabricate something and decided to cut up and modify one of those cheap swivel neck thermostat things. Next time I'm buying a C&R billet one because this chinese POS is cast from something like bird doodoo.. I could not get a clean weld on it. The only cleanly welded part is the 2 an bungs welded together.. they are a clean aluminum alloy. The other stuff more resembles potmetal (welded that a couple of times when fixing headlight frames on C3 corvettes) what a royal pain. What left to do? Grind till it's semi clean. Hope it's not porous/leaking.
it even fits under the intake ducting
Next problem is my fuel system. Decided to put a mech pump back on the block, retain the low pressure switching valve system and have the pump fill a surge tank that will feed my aeromotive/paxton EFI pump.
This is the surge tank w/ hookups. Top most is the vent to the tank so it burps air out. The 2 others are feed from mech pump and return from EFI pump. The EFI feed is on the bottom. The large one on the top sticking out sideways will be plugged.
getting fuller and fuller in there