9 Volt Batteries can burn down your House


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2008
9 Volt Batteries can burn down your House if stored improperly

I think these were nickel hydride batteries. ..Think they can be dangerous...Lithium Hydride batteries are a lot more dangerous. A UPS cargo plane was downed because of a Lithium hydride battery on fire in the cargo hold..all died. The Boeing Dreamliner fleet was downed for about 6 months because of lithium hydride fires in the Dreamliner. Lithium makes a very energetic battery...one reason it's so energetic..is because it's energetic...Lithium will burn in air, and it will burn in water. The oxygen in water, will fuel a lithium fire...that's energetic!!!! Bizarrely enough, chunks of pure lithium are stored in oil..kerosene, mineral oil, etc. The oil keeps the oxygen away from them ...they won't burn!!!.
It's certainly easier to short an improperly stored 9V, due to the terminals being on the same side. Can't say I've ever seen one go up in flames, though. :huh: