A guy so pissed he could spit

two screws on top and a threaded stud on the bottom:thumbs: And yes, a big hole

What are you talking about????

egg crate 70-72 side vents...

Quik502 asked how the original eggcrates mounted and if there was a big hole in the fiberglass behind where the factory grills would be. They are mounted with 2 screws in the top and a threaded bolt that slips into a hole in the bottom for a wing nut to tighten up to. The hole behind the factory eggcrate in the glass is bigger than the smoothed hole shown in that supposed Monze GM factory side gill. Picture without the eggcrate grill installed

and with the eggcrate vent installed
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I would bet her burger tastes great ,,,,,,,,, @ 6 bux it is a bargain


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