A sad scary trend

Geoff Coenen

Well-known member
Apr 17, 2009
Stratford CT
We are being gutted & sacrificed for diversity. The following article on Revolver.news is very disheartening.


And we have a demented Alzheimer leader in the swamp whose minions are actually pulling his strings with revenge high among their motives. china is laughing. And now we are going to use their electrical components in our electrical grid & permit their medical health labs in our country. WTF is happening?
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We are being gutted & sacrificed for diversity. The following article on Revolver.news is very disheartening.


And we have a demented Alzheimer leader in the swamp whose minions are actually pulling his strings with revenge high among their motives. china is laughing. And now we are going to use their electrical components in our electrical grid & permit their medical health labs in our country. WTF is happening?

what is happening? Joe and his merry band of woke liberals have SOLD OUT to China, when see Joe signing an ex order that says "you can`t use the term China virus" on govt property you know we as a country are done for.
It keep getting better ...

The Mayor of Bridgeport, CT has re-applied for his law license following a denial in 2012 for the following reasons:
“Allowing an applicant to be readmitted to the practice of law following a conviction on 16 counts of racketeering, conspiracy, extortion, mail fraud, bribery and filing false income tax returns without any apology, expression of remorse or explanation, and with only a vague acceptance of an unspecified event, simply would set the bar for readmission too low in the state, and we are unwilling to do that,” the panel of 3 Superior Court judges stated in a 36-page decision rejecting his application. That was 2012.

If I was betting; odd are he will get it back this time. After all he won re-election as Mayor twice since spending 7 years of a 9 year sentence in the joint following his first term as Mayor. Those trustworthy absentee ballots pushed him over the top. The depth & character of the candidates for political office is a better left blank.

Incidentally the Judge sentencing the Police Chief Perez & the Director of Personnel who lied to the FBI postponed his decision this week. They were caught on tape conspiring to rig the test for the Chief of Police & provide the exam question in advance – ostensibly because the Mayor wanted Perez as Police Chief. Note that the Mayor has not been charged in this episode. “Squeeky kleen” and away go troubles down the drain.

Just a-nutha day in the Park City. I really enjoy seeing photos of the ex con Mayor alongside an ex con City Councilman with the senior US Senator Bloomingthall (sp). It warms my heart to know we are in “gud” hands with kleen honest government from the local environs to the fenced in DC Capitol & house in White.
I'm not familiar with the criminal mayor from Bridgeport so I Googled "mayor of Bridgeport CT". There was absolutely nothing in the search results about this guys crimes. I thought at least I would see an image of this guy in court. Nothing. The only thing I found was Wikipedia showed history of him with his criminal background.

Apparently he is currently under investigation for the same thing that landed him in prison before.

I live close to Cincinnati, OH and 3 of the 7 city council are under federal indictments for corruption and extortion (selling votes). One of them is running for Mayor!
I just can't accept this...

This is un-believable.
It’s a long video that you will not see on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, Fox or hear Jen Ptaki or Susan Rice or Kommie Kamula speak about.
Forget Joe he's isn't aware of anything, anywhere, anymore.

Sadly I bet Baltimore, LA, NYC, Detroit & every US city run by progressives is the same.
Lets (NOT) keep the border open so the cartels can flood more zombie & deadly drugs from south of the border made in cheena.


Let me know if the link is dead.
a slow week in Bridgeport

slow in some regards - but there were THREE murders in the Bridgeport in the last 7 days

the state of CT is trying to claw back $300,000 in pension funds from the ousted & arrested Police Chief Armando Perez (his meager 2019 salary was $4719,061) & the ousted & arrested city's former personnel director, David Dunn - age 73. The ex felon Mayor has not been charged in this latest debacle.

You gotta wonder who cost the taxpayer more - the crooks or the city brass top echelon.

the new Police Chief Rebeca Garcia just received a no confidence vote from the Police Union. (2016 salary was $189,000) No figure available for 2020 unless you pay the local rag paper a subscription.

The property tax mil rate is $59/1000 valuation in Bridgeport. The mil rate where my lake house is located $15/1000 valuation.

Other wonderful economic news:
It was such a relief to me & the the dead ambassador to Liyba's relatives that Susan Bengazi Rices's net worth is now between $37 million dollars and $130 million dollars. That jobs of ambassador to the US under nobuma really opened doors and now that she is working with beijing burden's administration will probably get her out of the poor house.

I'm taking bets there will be a new "leader" (that's a genuine oxymoron) of the "free" world by the 4th of July. An eminently qualified one who could not muster 1% of the voters in the dimocrat primaries. Now that's an over achiever.
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I don't have an answer on any of the CT politics... BUT, that money on "Gender Studies" is about $2.50 each for all Americans -- or if you "only" count taxpayers (seems fair -- right) $17.25. May seem like small change. BUT - NO-body asked me! Aren't our "representatives" supposed to Represent? Silly me, I read the books and papers from our founders - simple, easy to understand, and everyone in the world wants a piece of what it brings.

Bridgeport, NYC/NY/LA/House/Senate--they are all the same. A change is needed a few ideas to push for:
Audits on those who "serve" must be mandatory - members and family;
Term Limits;
Use the same government services we all must - no special care;
No pension (remember their short service under Term Limits!);
Physical and mental acuity testing (be able to do the work);
Work for the people--Not the PARTY!​

Sorry for the short rant [that is just a few].
My colors are showing...(R/W/B)

Cheers - Jim
This is what happens when we allow a national election to be stolen.

Banana republic, folks. The emperor has no clothes.