Apparently I have being a bitch down


Formerly Known as Clutchdust
Mar 3, 2014
In transition
I went to Walmart today just to pick up a couple things really quickly. I get what I came for and head to the register. On my way this bum (yes, I call them "bums") stops me. I know he's a bum because he is carting around all of his belongings in a shopping cart, smells like he hasn't had a shower since the last time it rained in Vegas (about 6 weeks BTW) and is eating a chicken leg from who knows where. He stops me and asks, "ma'am, will you buy me a banana?"
Now my rule of thumb about such matters is I only give money to organized charities I recognize but I will buy anyone food. So I say, "yes, I will buy you some bananas."
I detour over to the produce section and pick out a couple nice looking bananas, then head to the register with the stinky bum following along at an almost acceptable distance. I put my stuff on the conveyer at the register and the bum files in behind me. As the clerk is checking out my purchase, the bum finishes his chicken leg and just throws it on the conveyer behind me. I look at him and tell him, "that's fucking rude! I shouldn't buy you anything." He looks at me like I'm a total bitch and just walks off.
Oh well. I was thinking of getting bananas anyway.
Highest elevation in Florida is about 340' above sea level, my hill is about 50' high, my house is about 1/2 way up, call it 30' by sighting my slab to roof levels near the swamp.....and so down the hill and around the corner, about a mile or so, is a long lasting bum camp, see them all the time out on corners begging, or flipping signs for some business in a small almost BK shopping strip....they live in the swamp on some corner that is obviously undeveloped....been there WAY before I moved here, not my problem....

the guys on my street help out with food drives, etc....I tried to some years ago, but it just did not work out, wasn't the $$$ it was the physical efforts....

my street is mostly retired .mil types, with two exceptions....

most of those people suffer from mental illness, they also have numerous charities available to them, no matter what you do you will be wrong in someones eyes.
right after our current dictator took office i had been to burger king and bought a whopper, not knowing it was 2 for 1. about the time i figured that out i came to a traffic light and a guy has a sign " hungry homeless please help" so i call the guy over offer him the burger , he thanks me and disappears. curious , i circle the block and see him eating the burger. this tells me the guy is serious so i gave him 20 bucks and told him about a friend that uses day labor about 3 blocks away. he has worked everyday since.
point here is some will help themselves some can't or won't mostly won't. you did the nice thing don't expect much, it could have been worse, at least he called you Ma'am.
I did something similar a few years back.
I stopped at Del Taco for lunch and had a coupon for 2 for 1 on a Macho Combo burrito (If you're unfamiliar with Del Taco, that's a big burrito for about $4). I was going to eat one for lunch and just save the other one for lunch a day or two later. On the way in I passed a homeless guy sitting on the curb. He didn't ask me for anything. On the way out I passed him again, and again he didn't beg me or anything. I turned around and asked "are you hungry?" He said yes so I handed him the extra burrito and he said "that's one big burrito!!!"
It was probably the best he ate in weeks.
i have been in a del taco when traveling and yes it a good size burrito kind of like moes and chipolte grill if i remember. do the right thing every time even when nobodies looking and you will be fine.