April/May trip?

I hope everyone had a good time, and no one spun a car. George

We had a great time. Only one incident with a squirrel,..:smash:

Story later...

thanks everyone! nice fast paced run,saw the eclipse on the way home, when's the next one haha and rip mr squirell


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There was a small problem in escondido Also to come later

Beagle1 got love tapped in the rear in Ramona.:crap: No damage. A few bruises. I'll let him tell the story, but no one was hurt seriously.

Yea, kinda funny now, but really iritating at the time.
We're sitting at a red light in the bario about 2 blocks from the freeway on ramp, and Bump!
SOB!!! Instant insanity here. I'm thinking worst case senerio, illegle alien, no drivers licence and no insurance. Then next, I'll be rolling around on the ground with the driver, and all the local gang bangers will come pouring out of the apartment buildings, and I'll end up on the 6:00 news.
Well, luckily, a much better outcome. No damage to my car. The POS 92 Honda rubber front bumper did a good job.
15 year old driver. Hispanic, but probably a citizen, and probably a good kid, other then driving without a licence and insurance.
But get this. His old man is riding shotgun and he has a licence and insurance papers ( they appeared to be real, but who knows). Real good example for junior.
Well, Bird and Tim stopped and things calmed down. I got their info and told them I will call them if I find any damage.
I did give the kid hell when he said he was going to get his learners permit next month. "Not if I call the police and have your car towed", which is true under Ca law, IF the local cops would even come out.
Anyway, no damage other than me almost having a stroke, and maybe junior learned a lesson.
Linda told me later that Bird asked Tim "Why is Glenn getting out of his car, and why is he waving his arms all around". HaHa.
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