Are those trailing arm salvageable?

wow... these look really good..... :lol:

We'll turn your trailing arms into a nice VetteMod welding project with pics and maybe even a video.... (not sure how that would turn out).... but anyways... send me your arms and I'll return them to you with holes as huge as the ones in Gary's photos....(kidding)...
wow... these look really good..... :lol:

We'll turn your trailing arms into a nice VetteMod welding project with pics and maybe even a video.... (not sure how that would turn out).... but anyways... send me your arms and I'll return them to you with holes as huge as the ones in Gary's photos....(kidding)...
Still waiting for my welder guy to show up and to check out the shipping cost. But first prepare the package for Gary and finish a deal for borrowing a cherry picker.
Those days are busy as hell.:bonkers::zzz:

Anyone can weld as good as the factory welds on my frame, Just use clamps, hammers and othe implements of distruction to close up the gaps'

To use the holesaw for the JJ install you don't need a 7/16 bit. Remove the bushing and press/smash in a wood dowel and use the bit that came in the holesaw in a drill press.

Tom Sarno

Anyone can weld as good as the factory welds on my frame, Just use clamps, hammers and othe implements of distruction to close up the gaps'

To use the holesaw for the JJ install you don't need a 7/16 bit. Remove the bushing and press/smash in a wood dowel and use the bit that came in the holesaw in a drill press.

Tom Sarno
Excellent tip Tom thanks.
Turned out it would be a lot of welder-time-money to save those TA, much more than what redvetracr is asking for a pair of shinny brand new TA (even shipped to Canada).
I should have gone this way from the beginning, would have saved time for me and you guy. Oh well.
what are you going to do with the old arms ? Did you check how much shipping is ?
No, dunno what to do with them and haven't check for the shipping.
I gave my old frame to a guy locally who's not afraid fixing the rusted zones, he has a good welder as a friend, we agreed welding the JJ would be a fair compensation.
Anyhow don't have much time for that, I busy like a bee finishing the rolling frame, when get the new body I won't have choice but to put it on the frame, even temporary.
I wish I had just a little more space.
I am late to this party and you may have gotten arms, but listen to Gary those arms are no good. To fix them correctly you would have to cut every weld and split the two halve to clean all the rust out of them and protect the new metal. Then weld them without a jig back together. By the time you have done this is was not worth it over buying good arms, used or new. Even if you hammer the gaps back down, the rust is still in there and still rusting that will eventually break your new welds. In the long run your arms will look like the one Gary took a picture of. Better safe than sorry.
I am late to this party and you may have gotten arms, but listen to Gary those arms are no good. To fix them correctly you would have to cut every weld and split the two halve to clean all the rust out of them and protect the new metal. Then weld them without a jig back together. By the time you have done this is was not worth it over buying good arms, used or new. Even if you hammer the gaps back down, the rust is still in there and still rusting that will eventually break your new welds. In the long run your arms will look like the one Gary took a picture of. Better safe than sorry.
Thanks for being concerned about my safety.
I ended up buy mush fresher TA from Howard "RedVetRacr". If all goes as planned, this weekend me and Michel "1Michel" we weld the Johnny joint to it, and I reassemble the bearing and Spacer Gary "GTR1999" machined me. I guess I'll do like Michel, keeping the old TA just for the hubs for the Pier Paolo 6 link mod to come.
Ok guys, here's my take on the JJ mod.
Thanks to Michel's son, a professional welder.

Before I even arrived they already prepared a little piece of metal to close the end of the TA, giving it more strength.









Here it Michel (right) with his buddy Philip.

I Added a greasing zerk


Looks great. Unlike my welds these did not require any grinding :rain:

I'm surprised you did not weld the rear of the arm where it often separates...

I have to add the grease nipple.... good thing I have not yet installed mine
Looks great. Unlike my welds these did not require any grinding :rain:

I'm surprised you did not weld the rear of the arm where it often separates...

I have to add the grease nipple.... good thing I have not yet installed mine
Sure I would have loved more welding but I didn't want to abuse all the time precious time I had offered.
Michel's son has a busy life and it was a real a favor for him to dedicate me a whole afternoon.
When you try to complete a decent resto within one year (crazy no?), I think you have to make choice.
Well, that was I goal before I started asking myself if my front clip was salvageable....:cry:
For the greasing, I threaded the JJ sleever 1/8 NPT to match the zerg, and drilled a little bigger the TA metal to leave room for the body. Ok, you might have to remove the tire to do the greasing, but I'm checked, they're still accessible.