Back-up/reversing lights


Clueless In Sandland
Mar 24, 2008
Aussie expat in Saudi Arabia
Ages ago I talked about moulding some reversing lights into my rear bumper but I ran out of interest on that idea and now plan to just run some lights underneath the rear bumper.

Is anyone using LED reversing lights? Rhino make some but I don't know how good they are?

I've also found these ones:

And these ones - 5000K white LED reverse lights:

I've also seen these Recon 2-Piece Universal Projector Reverse Light Kit

Does anyone have some recommendations?
Them white LED bar lights are bright enough to land a drone by....:thumbs::clap:
IMO they all look like they belong on the starship enterprise... don't do it! Like you need backup lights...can't see anything in the mirrors anyway.
IMO they all look like they belong on the starship enterprise... don't do it! Like you need backup lights...can't see anything in the mirrors anyway.

Years ago I put mine in below the bumpers, not for ME< but as a notice to comply with Maryland law/inspection, and for the guy behind me....

but in a parking lot, or my own driveway, I suspect it's about useless, I have to admit.....

...can't see anything in the mirrors anyway.
Ha, true. I need them out here though (and ultimately in Australia) to pass inspection. Apart from that, not a bad idea to let other people know you're reversing.

Decades ago, at the drag strips, when Olds first came out with V8 FWD, there was some clown that did a thing called the Backup Pickup.....drove it down the strip backwards, lifting the tailgate in the air....funny as hell to watch....

Opinions please?

Not wanting to flog a dead horse, but I just found these lights. They are just shy of 5" round so would fit in the C3 rear light holes just nicely. Flame suit is on...



They have two types of indicator. This one's labelled as a Clear Reverse/Amber Turn :

This one's labelled as an Amber Turn/White Side Marker

Curious how good the 2nd one would be using the white side markers as back-up lights as I think a larger indicator would be better than the smaller indicator.
Thats cool , I like the 2nd one, wire it red lense for clearance lights and brakes,
Then Amber Turn/White for flasher and small white for back up lights.

Looks cool, I think it looks much better than truck lights, I like
Get the flame suit off, too hot where you are.
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Thats cool , I like the 2nd one, wire it red lense for clearance lights and brakes,
Then Amber Turn/White for flasher and small white for back up lights.

Looks cool, I think it looks much better than truck lights, I like
Get the flame suit off, too hot where you are.
Yeah, I was thinking the same. I can always put brighter bulbs in the white marker lamps and use them as reverse lights. As TT pointed out, you can't see out the mirrors anyway but it'll get me past an inspection.

I just bought a set of them and red tail/brake lights. I couldn't find any information on the net anywhere about whether they come with pigtails or bulb holders or what. A couple of sites listed "require extras" and listed the bulbs but no mention of wiring. So, I'm hoping they come with it...
Why not sure?
Maybe switch side and get the white lights on the out side would look less cockeyed.
photoshop and see
Other than that they look great, where did you get them?
Are they LED?