
Did you guy's see the documentary IOUSA?

That was made before the financial crisis. I wonder what the US debt is at this moment, can someone read that debt counter for me ;-). Your government is slowly turning the USA into a third world country, before you know it you have to carry your water from kMart ;-)

Yeh, if we have a 'mart' left...I think to buy stock in Muleasses, guaranteed safe investment the way things are going....:(:crutches:
I don't think so Gene. The Corvette makes money. I believe the line will stay on board.

See, there's the problem, the GOVERNMENT does not care about what makes money. If that were the case, the Chrysler dealerships that were allowed to stay open would not have been DEMOCRAT donors.

Your assumption is the government will do what is financially right over what is politically correct. You are wrong.

53 years in Wash DC region, says you are totally CORRECT, DAMNIT....

I have this really bad feeling you are correct Gene. So the next new car from GM will be called the "Obama Correct". 20 hp and 80 miles to the gallon and only comes in one

Well, who knows, we sure not seeing any 500ci '75 Eldo convertibles any more.....THAT's for sure...6500 lbs filled with helium....yeh buddy, ROLLING in style.....


I still drive a 70 Thunderbird at 4700 pounds. An Acura Tl pulled out in front of me in a parking lot. I crushed the Acura and the right front fender on the T-bird was pushed back 3/16 of an inch. Something can be said for old Detroit Iron.:bounce::bump: