Bare gouged glass


Sep 20, 2013
Okay so I have a 71 that is bare glass in some parts and old lacquer in others.

The bare glass has a of gouges in it in spots. Should I epoxy it first then fix the gouges or do the filler work first then epoxy?

Hit the gouges with a dremel (pencil grinder), roughen it up with some 80 grit, fill the holes with fiberglass jelly (kitty hair). I have noticed recently that the fiberglass jelly shrinks. I used the Bondo brand and apparently it's not a good idea to prime it the same day. It's better to let it sit in the sun for a few hours or wait overnight.... in my opinion it's best to use regular body filler and apply a skim coat over fiberglass repairs, at least that's what i do from now on....
Then use epoxy to seal it. I would remove all the old laquer though unless you're planning on using laquer for the new paintjob.....
Looking great with those flares :thumbs:

3M 8116 is by far the best glue I've ever used. Among other stuff I used it for my front flares and to glue my doorskins to the door frames - on the flares I hit the mating surfaces with 40 or 60 grit, then applied the glue ... These pieces will never come apart.

Your body is a 71??? That's fiberglass and not SMC as far as I know. Kitty hair will do a great job on gouges, for filler I used the "gold" Bondo brand with good results but I keep hearing so many bragging about Evercoat Rage filler that I'll try that next .... Curiousity ....

But yes, get all that old paint off, then kitty hair, filler, then epoxy ....
Yeah I put 3 flares on with 3M 5200. The driver rear still needs glued.

I've got a job ahead of me on that lacquer. Looks like 4 repaints. Yay me! Used a DA for what's been removed so far.

It's a 71 with 73 coves
Looks like you still have it bolted on in your photos..... Hey, another piece of info: make sure you grind back and cover that 3m glue with kitty hair or filler. Do not spray pimer on this stuff, another member here had it bubble up his paint..... The 3m glue is glue, not filler, it's not meant to be painted......
On paint removal: try a razor blade, worked like a charm for me, takes a few tries to get the feel for it but once you got it it is fast and does not gouge your panel..... Scrape scrape scrape......
10-4 on the glue.

I know everyone loves pics so here are few to give some background on the project and why the bodywork.









No that was my Dad's style. He built it from the wreck in the bottom pic. I was getting tired of people asking me what it was lol.
Is there a good razor blade setup out there to use? I would guess something with a handle would work better?
Auto Zone sells the handle, it's called a gasket scraper, the razor blades come in a pack of 100, I think I bought mine at Home Depot. If I don't forget I can take a photo tonight ....
Awesome. I'll go grab one. I think Harbor Freight might have those and the razors too.
