Before you break the law and get arrested remember this!

I don't care if circle gets the square......I used to be much more liberal thinking, then the early 80's hit kids born/new.....and my job took me all over the place to all sorts of interesting joints.....ATTICA MAX, WALPOLE MAX, LORTON MAX, N. Mex about 9 months after the riots..MAX those are just a more notable few of the work.....

it tends to wake one up about shit, nitemares for 2 nights......flip sides on that one in a instant.....

the old Argue by exception trick don't work for me....sorry....I figger 5% error rate even for execution is acceptable, the system is not perfect, too damn bad, so posted elsewhere this morning.....

that clown in Texas the supremes stayed the execution.....16 YEARS.....SIXTEEN FRIGGIN YEARS ........

just how many lawyers milk these cases.....I can go 16 WEEKS maybe from guilty to shot behind the jail.......and guess who pays for all that 'legal work'....yup.....

the country has gone to shit stupid......

brain dead lawyers leaning on liberal logic to confound the obvious to the oblivious.....

See, that's the problem with the liberals in government...they talk like liberals, but they live like conservatives. How about the members of congress give up half their salaries and other income, and use that to pay the jurors a little more? Bet that won't happen....many liberals want to feed the poor, but they want to do it with 'other peoples' money.
....oh and about capital punishment. The key to capital punishment is to make the criminals avoid it, not the innocent. There would be less crime if the punishment was swift and harsh.
....oh and about capital punishment. The key to capital punishment is to make the criminals avoid it, not the innocent. There would be less crime if the punishment was swift and harsh.

AND no point in feeding lawyers for 20 years over it either.....

as a society we need buckle down to the reality of criminal behavior and costs, time to clean house of the PROGRESSIVES in the C/J system, and get some hard heads in there....they are bleeding us dry in more than one way.....

I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....course most of you haven't seen the crap I have as described been there, you would agree with ME.....:smash::thumbs:
I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....

I have no issue with capitol punishment. But the idea of just one innocent man being put to death turns my stomach.
There MUST be safeguards that remove all doubt first.
Society has ZERO rights to kill an innocent. None.
I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....

I have no issue with capitol punishment. But the idea of just one innocent man being put to death turns my stomach.
There MUST be safeguards that remove all doubt first.
Society has ZERO rights to kill an innocent. None.

Shit happens......we have the RESPONSIBILITY to clean the streets.....and take out the trash.....

just think, all the clowns I saw in MAX some 30 years ago, are probably still there....3 hots/cot/TV, whatever.....and some lawyer getting RICH as hell off their cases.....the system as it's practiced these daze just flat SUX.....

nothing worse than a lawyer....shit, even my simple cases ten years ago....took for EVER to get a judgement, or even simple discovery.....

sad to say I know more than any judge about the JP system in Florida....

chapter and verse....and it's the specious lawyer JUDGES that let it go on....

Most prosecutors only care about their conviction rate. Withold some evidence, stress some other evidence to make your case and get the conviction. Who gives a fuck as long as your conviction rate shines like a gold star.
Many LEO's are no better.
Lazy assed judges who only care about feeding their ego's and wonder how soon they can get out of court and on to the golf course, they don't give a rats ass about justice either.
And Gene's favorite... crazy lawyers who will say or do just about anything to make a buck - who gives a shit about the truth.
And a legal system that doesn't care either - it's all about collecting fines and raising revenues - hell - if you got enough money you rarely go to jail.... Jail/prison is for poor people.
It's a fucked up system that makes me madder than hell and I don't want anything to do with it.

And yes, the lazy assed druggies will go out and commit some "soft" crime in the fall - just so they can have a warm place to stay for the winter - with government sponsored health care to boot! They know how long the sentences are and commit their crimes according to how long they want to stay in....

I know that you can get your hand or arm or prick cut off in other countries for comitting a crime. I guess in comparison that makes our system great.
Most prosecutors only care about their conviction rate. Withold some evidence, stress some other evidence to make your case and get the conviction. Who gives a fuck as long as your conviction rate shines like a gold star.
Many LEO's are no better.
Lazy assed judges who only care about feeding their ego's and wonder how soon they can get out of court and on to the golf course, they don't give a rats ass about justice either.
And Gene's favorite... crazy lawyers who will say or do just about anything to make a buck - who gives a shit about the truth.
And a legal system that doesn't care either - it's all about collecting fines and raising revenues - hell - if you got enough money you rarely go to jail.... Jail/prison is for poor people.
It's a fucked up system that makes me madder than hell and I don't want anything to do with it.

And yes, the lazy assed druggies will go out and commit some "soft" crime in the fall - just so they can have a warm place to stay for the winter - with government sponsored health care to boot! They know how long the sentences are and commit their crimes according to how long they want to stay in....

I know that you can get your hand or arm or prick cut off in other countries for comitting a crime. I guess in comparison that makes our system great.

I agree with what you are saying also. To the tee.
I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....

I have no issue with capitol punishment. But the idea of just one innocent man being put to death turns my stomach.
There MUST be safeguards that remove all doubt first.
Society has ZERO rights to kill an innocent. None.

I 100% agree with Bird here.... however.... what's the error rate on the so called 'not guilty' ??? how many of those who are clearly guilty are still out there repeating their crimes ?? what's the error rate there ? I bet it's more than 5% but does anybody have the balls to investigate and publish that number ???
I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....

I have no issue with capitol punishment. But the idea of just one innocent man being put to death turns my stomach.
There MUST be safeguards that remove all doubt first.
Society has ZERO rights to kill an innocent. None.

I 100% agree with Bird here.... however.... what's the error rate on the so called 'not guilty' ??? how many of those who are clearly guilty are still out there repeating their crimes ?? what's the error rate there ? I bet it's more than 5% but does anybody have the balls to investigate and publish that number ???

We can't get a LO 5% error rate on a mass produced ANYTHING, and we expect to get that outta some JP sytem?? bullshit, lucky to get 5%, part of life, so maybe people learn some RESPONSIBILITY to say the hell outta bad shituations?? just for starters and keeping shit SIMPLE??

I consider a 5% error rate even in execution cases to be acceptable, sorry, but it's time to straighten shit out already....

I have no issue with capitol punishment. But the idea of just one innocent man being put to death turns my stomach.
There MUST be safeguards that remove all doubt first.
Society has ZERO rights to kill an innocent. None.

I 100% agree with Bird here.... however.... what's the error rate on the so called 'not guilty' ??? how many of those who are clearly guilty are still out there repeating their crimes ?? what's the error rate there ? I bet it's more than 5% but does anybody have the balls to investigate and publish that number ???

I can guaran welldamn TEE you those asswholes in the MAX wards are 3-4 time losers and with a rap sheet long as our arms.....screw em, out back and such thing as 'he was such a GOOD boy, he was just turning his life around' type shit.....

he be good alright, as fertilizer in the prison garden.....


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