before you think it is one thing. look into other possibilities.

symptoms I had

hot/cold flashes
abdominal pains
tired a lot
hard time breathing even after just a few steps

Like I said not your typical heart attack issues, I was concerned but felt it probably just flu/pneumonia related

How was your blood pressure, :confused:
130'ish over 80'ish

I was really scared you going to say that, that's what mine is....

and I get chills/hot overnight but usually note the room is stuffy, and its FLORIDA with that heat and humidity...we only keep the house at 78 in day, but night '77-76 is better if we remember....

abdominal pains, not so much, just a minor hernia in the belly button...
Tired a lot, yes and no, more like my lo back/skeleton in general is terminally fucked.....but yes this AM in cloudy overcast, I moved some landscaping bricks around, maybe 1/2 a wheelbarrow full, and it about sent me into the house but good, heat and humidity....I did feel some chest pains then....

hard time breathing, no, never an I write my shituation off as just old age....68, screw it....


I'm only 44 though, my hot/cold were sweating beyond belief when a/c was set at 80. The cold chill and the worse that I recall was more like a convulsion I was so cold and temp was about 78. Today I have been up and about but severe shoulder pain from the pacemaker has kept me down a bit as well as my right leg in pain. Basically they ran a tube or something in my groin to my heart

OH, your shituation is MUCH worse extreme than of luck man....

Dude, that a fucking sad news, I'm like this others happy you stayed on the right and didn't take too much damage.
Get well soon, Off-Topic pissing contests wouldn't be the same without you :rose:

what pissing contests?
Huh... not sure what I wrote is what I meant.
You like to :stirpot: don't you?

No, you must have me confused with someone else.

Dude, that a fucking sad news, I'm like this others happy you stayed on the right and didn't take too much damage.
Get well soon, Off-Topic pissing contests wouldn't be the same without you :rose:

what pissing contests?
Huh... not sure what I wrote is what I meant.
You like to :stirpot: don't you?

No, you must have me confused with someone else.

That's just how I see it.
Oh, and it was supposed to be a compliment.:surrender:
what pissing contests?
Huh... not sure what I wrote is what I meant.
You like to :stirpot: don't you?

No, you must have me confused with someone else.

That's just how I see it.
Oh, and it was supposed to be a compliment.:surrender:

Look I don't know you, but defintitely not in the mood for guess who is who. Tired of whatever game your playing. With that say bye ....
Huh... not sure what I wrote is what I meant.
You like to :stirpot: don't you?

No, you must have me confused with someone else.

That's just how I see it.
Oh, and it was supposed to be a compliment.:surrender:

Look I don't know you, but defintitely not in the mood for guess who is who. Tired of whatever game your playing. With that say bye ....

sounds more like language barrier to me... :surrender:
Well after 4 days out of the hospital I'm feeling quite a bit better. One noticeable difference is used to be I would get numb feeling in my arms and legs like they went to sleep (probably blood flow related) that has gone away. My legs and feet are still pretty swollen up and look like the michelin man and my feet look like pregnant womans feet lol.

Still have my good and bad days where I just want to sleep all day, but for the most part I am feeling much better. I'm going to start running my golden retriever again when all this swelling goes down.

As for work, I don't think my company will allow me to drive again for safety reasons. So not sure what I will do but will miss driving if it comes to that, been driving for 22 years now and don't think I could handle a office type job. I'm off for a month but that could turn into more but if I don't feel well enough to drive company told me to just tell doctor that and go for more time off. Too many families out there on the road for me to take the risk.
I would think that once the doc says you're fine you can go back to driving, not ???
You were probably a higher risk on the road the past few weeks before the surgery when you could have a heart attack at any time.
I would think that once the doc says you're fine you can go back to driving, not ???
You were probably a higher risk on the road the past few weeks before the surgery when you could have a heart attack at any time.

There is DOT law and then there is company policies that are more stringent.
There is DOT law and then there is company policies that are more stringent.


Yes, for a large company

Ok me too, I did OTR for 35 + years, DOT is a pita with drivers health sleep apnea etc.

And large companies will protect themselves they have ZERO care for drivers.

they can go that way but then they have to retrain me. I did otr for 3 years with knight trans, but then stayed local. now with jbhxxx doin local intermodal
they can go that way but then they have to retrain me. I did otr for 3 years with knight trans, but then stayed local. now with jbhxxx doin local intermodal

Cool, OTR would help in your situation, better stay local, I sold my truck in feb, and doing local now, never regretted it, sometime I'll miss the Pete but it goes away when I look at old fuel bills LOL.

Take care,
I was a contractor here doing work for Handyman Connection, before the building trades shutdown....and to he was a OTR operator and got caught in a chemical off load shituation from the guy in the next bay, one whiff and he was in the next century.....he was fighting to get his Hazmat ticket, and too boot he was not even going attempt to get his Nuclear ticket back....

last I seen him he was back to OTR though...been maybe 5 years now....
