Phantom of the Opera
130'ish over 80'ishsymptoms I had
hot/cold flashes
abdominal pains
tired a lot
hard time breathing even after just a few steps
Like I said not your typical heart attack issues, I was concerned but felt it probably just flu/pneumonia related
How was your blood pressure,![]()
I was really scared you going to say that, that's what mine is....
and I get chills/hot overnight but usually note the room is stuffy, and its FLORIDA with that heat and humidity...we only keep the house at 78 in day, but night '77-76 is better if we remember....
abdominal pains, not so much, just a minor hernia in the belly button...
Tired a lot, yes and no, more like my lo back/skeleton in general is terminally fucked.....but yes this AM in cloudy overcast, I moved some landscaping bricks around, maybe 1/2 a wheelbarrow full, and it about sent me into the house but good, heat and humidity....I did feel some chest pains then....
hard time breathing, no, never an I write my shituation off as just old age....68, screw it....
I'm only 44 though, my hot/cold were sweating beyond belief when a/c was set at 80. The cold chill and the worse that I recall was more like a convulsion I was so cold and temp was about 78. Today I have been up and about but severe shoulder pain from the pacemaker has kept me down a bit as well as my right leg in pain. Basically they ran a tube or something in my groin to my heart
OH, your shituation is MUCH worse extreme than of luck man....