Bellhousing dowel pins needed & questions


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2008
I am very new to dailing in the bellhousing using dowl pins. With the assistance of a couple of friends who are more knowledgable about this transmission stuff we will be doing a custom 6 speed swap using a QuickTime, Inc. Bellhousing. I called QuickTime and of course they say that because their bellhousings are so exact that I should not need dowel pins. I ask them about differences in engine block manufacturing since this is 1969 technology and they still think that I should not need them but to get ahead and get some if I want.

I am now surfing through SummitRacing and have no idea what kind/size/brand of dowel pins I should buy? We are going to do this swap over a weekend so I don't mind buying extra pins, but I want to make sure I have at least have the correct pins needed.

Are all dowel pins universal or do I need pins specific for the type of bellhouisng or 69 SBC that I will be bolting this thing to?

Also how many pins do I need?
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thanks for the is a stupid question. How many do I need?
They come in pairs, you should be ok with two .007" offset pins but then there is Murphy's law that dictates that you WILL need the size you did NOT order....

I'd play it safe and order one pair .007 and one pair .014
And you can mix and match to get it dialed in too. Nothing says you have to use .007 pins in both sides (0r .014's) use what works.
And you can mix and match to get it dialed in too. Nothing says you have to use .007 pins in both sides (0r .014's) use what works.

Without getting into the how toooos, The best thing I have found is the longest dowels you can get or even the locking type.

I did the auto to manual TKO600 conversion with block saver plate and blow proof bell housing.

My other advice is to get the lighter flywheel and superior clutch assemblies. ALL SFI

I just hate buying brand X and then having to redo it later. It just doubles the cost