Better late than never!!!

Welcome to VM John.

For you front clip, if it's this front clip that will go back in, why don't drill a couple of reference holes before it's removed?
Fitting those is such a PITA

Not removing the front clip denpo! Will glass in a modified front bumper and C6 headlights though!

He - just noticed I am a noob!! Funny being 65 and called a noob!!! That's a first
Damn, I've read it all wrong. Sorry.

I like this , alot.
Me too, and never saw it before.

Need more data :twitch:

I like this , alot.
Me too, and never saw it before.

MAN - Now I have the answer I was looking for too! Nice inlay -S0 much better than just in the grill work.
The thermoforming machine I built is just about big enough (2'x2') - its building the left and right molds that would take me some time. Unless somebody has a spare front C3 clip they're willing to chop up as a mold! Then we'd need to build some cans for the lights - but that is COOL!

Cheers - Jim
Unless somebody has a spare front C3 clip they're willing to chop up as a mold!
Cheers - Jim
Why chopping it, taking the mold out of an installed front clip would work too.
Then the number of steps increase:
1. To pull a mold from the clip (yes - quite do-able) BUT it would be a female
2. Then make a casting in the female mold as a male plug
3. Put the male plug on the thermoform to pull the acrylic/lexan/perspex into shape
4. Since my thermoforming machine is only 24"x24" I'd need to keep sufficient "landing" in the frame to get a good pull.

With a cut up front clip - its down to 2 steps (just #s 3 & 4)
And it would be easie to make the lens flush I'd think too. Ideally would like no lip to trip flow.

Now, if somebody has a FarroArm to pull an STL file for us - we could cnc the plug quickly and use that without destroying the front clip. Just need one side and mirror the other. Or, could do a lot of CAD work too with some templates - but like I said - the number of steps (and time) increases. Then from the Cad file - generate a CAM - machine the plug and then pull the parts.

Would be a fun little business project actually.

Cheers Jim