Blue or black for China Wall

73 Mike

I'll drive it someday
Mar 30, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm ready to put on my intake manifold. What is the current preference for sealant on the China wall? I've go Permatex blue and a tube of black as well. Not sure if any of the parts stores are open today so would prefer to use one of these.

Thanks and Happy 4th to all of you. :yahoo:
China wall?? never heard that before. Cuz it's on a slant?:idea:

Sort of.

I think I got the real name from TT at some point. This is th back and front wall of the engine block where it meets the back amd front edges of the intake manifold.

Myself, IMHO, the black seems to be the tougher of the two. I use a lot of blue for the good interfaces but if I have a problem joint I like the black. Purely subjective with NO scientific backup. ;-))

Myself, IMHO, the black seems to be the tougher of the two. I use a lot of blue for the good interfaces but if I have a problem joint I like the black. Purely subjective with NO scientific backup. ;-))

Histerically the Black tubes are marked 'sensor safe'...or O2 sensors, and as such are preferred, I see NO reason they insist on making so many colors, I just buy the ONE Black sensor safe and hell with looks like a cheap whore with blue/orange/red/clear/brown shit oozing out of it Black don't show much....

Thanks guys. Kind of did a little of both. I had some blue left over in the long, nozzel so I just put on the black tube and used the blue around the water ports.

I had to use blue on the oil pan gasket because I didn't want to offend Gene's sensibilities. :amused:
I mainly use black and gray. Never the red except for exhaust studs (a dab secures the nuts)
Red is usually Hi-temp (that's why it works so good on exhaust studs!)

Blue or Black really makes not much difference that I've found. The key is getting ALL the oil off the surfaces. RTV will not stick to anything with even a trace of oil on it. I think there's even a copper color RTV out there now too.
Red is usually Hi-temp (that's why it works so good on exhaust studs!)

Blue or Black really makes not much difference that I've found. The key is getting ALL the oil off the surfaces. RTV will not stick to anything with even a trace of oil on it. I think there's even a copper color RTV out there now too.

Yeh, lacquer thinner or carb cleaner, 2 sopping wet rag wipes seems to do ok, anything less never seems to hold good....

even at that something screwed up on me with this vette, and oil was down the back I used two PCV valves into a T line, and blocked the valve covers....tossing the crank area into a vac, obviously....the back was making a good sucking sound, I shot some carb cleaner to the area, not a whole lot, just enough the clean the hole, hearing it suck in....killed the engine, stuck another dap of RTV on/in it, put it all back and fired it up next morning, never leaked again....some time later I noted when pulling the intake off, that the RTV had a really small trail hanging down inside the wall, no sweat....
