Brakes, HBoost/aluminum m/cyl....


Phantom of the Opera
Mar 24, 2008
NE Florida
Out on a minor trip today, pedal to floor, damn near, IF I hit/stomp it good car stops reluctantly.....been through front brakes not long pads/rotors, seemed fine for a couple months....

tore into the rear brakes this afternoon, found nothing, pads look new, rotors evidence of any leaks.....not on the calipers anyway....

now here is the odd ball thing, if anything the brake fluid seems to be more full than in hell air getting into the lines, as they are O ring pistons with no springs??......

the aftermarket aluminum m/cyl is by Pirate Jack Racing.....I will call them in the AM, and this combo has been fine for many years now....

any suggestions?? bad m/cyl??

IF I play with it a bit while driving on the way home, it would seem to want to recover, but never really did.....

DOT 5 fluid too, looked close in the m/cyl and some white goop looking crap at bottom of the rear chamber, which feeds the rear brakes...
according to Ken at Lonestar the newer dot 5 fluid is not compatible with o-rings

:shocking: Did he say why?? I been running 5 since spotting rust in the SS lined calipers some 20 years ago, and redoing them because of lip seal leaking I went O issues with these GOD DAMN brakes have been unending and stupid for years on end now, the front especially, the rear brakes have been go figger.....doing my best to not use China crap...but HOO knows what the origin of a rotor casting is.....can't tell you all how many front rotors have been on this car....
The O rings have never leaked, not that I have torn them apart to look at the bores, but they are DRY outside....Had every other damn problem though....
