BRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!


Heart Attack
Mar 24, 2008
It is nice out side yesterday and today,we recieved 2" of rain yesterday and struggled to get over 60* and today at noon it was 58* :yahoo:
And just a few day's ago we were flirting with 100* :suspicious: I like these temps,it means :hunter: is just around the corner :yahoo: I live for Wiggle Season,if it wiggles,shoot it :D
Football weather! Tee it up!

Regular season starts this month,either this weekend or next,can't remember :huh2:

Try last night...Giants over the Skins.
Damm why didn't you call me and tell me :cussing:

Unbelievable! Labor Day week and you have to wear a sweatshirt!!!! (Global Warming my ass.)

Yeah,i wonder which GOV'T office you have to write to get some of that global warming :amazed:
Talk about a little shock- I just spent 2 weeks at 100+ during the day and 80* at night- I get home and it's 50.. I have wear my flannel jammies just to go potty.