C4 rear suspension pictures


Mar 23, 2008
Guy that used to Hillclimb with us, is building a Land Speed C4, injected BB.
He had most of the hillclimb records SE and NE with a shortened FF, powered by a turbo rotary. Shares pictures, from time to time.



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I have very little info on the car other than he is going after a land speed record. Will see if I can find out more. I just thought it was interesting.

I thought it was interesting using the bags also. I dont know why, guess he has his thoughts. Looks like he is using the C4 frame. Must be in the rules.
Yes, a lot of what you see there is C4 frame. The problem is, They have a front and reaer subframe like unibody cars (it's a unibody in a sense) but no frame under the tub. The tub itself doesn't provide a whole lot of torsional stability and the C beam doesn't either. That cage is going to help a lot.
Yes, a lot of what you see there is C4 frame. The problem is, They have a front and reaer subframe like unibody cars (it's a unibody in a sense) but no frame under the tub. The tub itself doesn't provide a whole lot of torsional stability and the C beam doesn't either. That cage is going to help a lot.

Got any pictures of the C4 subframes?
I don't have real good pics, this is the best I could do. You can sort of see the rear frame rails, it's all bonded to the main body tub, same for the front. The rear suspension and motor/front suspension cradle are bolt on and the whole driveline drops from under it, like a unibody. That's why the C4 has those silly thick rocker channels, the main beams are under there. The flood is fiberglass and doesn't contribute to the stiffness like the balsa wood composite core in a C5 or C6. The torque tube on those is more efficient than the C beam also


Here's the rest of the story, kinda figured it had something to do with aero and changing it with the airbags.

270 mph and hoping for 300 mph

" here a description as short as I can. Chassis is a 88 C4 corvette fitted in the rear with a 4-link mounted mittners 9 in ,suspension is air bag cantilevered. Front is stock lower again with air suspension and fabed uppers. Front alignment numbers are 0 camber, 12-15 degrees caster near to 0 toe as we can get. No road racing for this animal . Steering rack is the slowest woodward makes with a quickener mounted in reverse can you see a turning radius somewhere around 50 ft. Because we will be running in the GT class they do not allow any body mods. The only way I figure we can really be fast is to control the body height and rake, so that's where the air bags come in. front is controlled mechanically to maintain 1/4-1/2 spoiler height. Rear is controlled by driver via buttons on steering wheel higher for more down force lower makes it cleaner. Need to go 270 if we pull that off we switch to fuel and hope for 300 only a very few door slammers have ever gone that fast. Attached some picts ,will keep you posted on progress. Say hello to Tommy haven't seen him in quite a while"
Why is he using that very weird front control arm geometry? The instantaneous center is outboard, this will have an inverse camber effect and a very weird roll center location.
I cant answer that, sure he has his reasons or its a mock up. What would be the effect of that on a salt flats car?
maybe he is purposely leaning the top of the tire out - positive camber - because of the skinny wheels? That will offer stability. Old cars with had positive camber too for stability reasons.
When is he planning on doing the salt flats? Damn, 270mph in a door slammer!

That would scare the shit out of me :amazed:
Shark, dont know, sure it will be a estimate due to finishing the car. If it was me building the car,, a long, long, time. I'll find out.

The current record Unblown Grand Touring Sports - /GT
AA 8/04 268.298 mph

I agree, 270 mph with a hanger, that fast. Not me either. in a plane, no problem, on tires,, shit.

I know nothing about land speed runs. Just stopped and looked at the flats once. We have a place here in NC for speed records. Havent even been there. http://www.ecta-lsr.com/
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