C6 calipers an advantage over C3 calipers?

For my car, it's the second application of the brakes where the problem arises.... but I do like my thumpr cam :bounce:

That said, I'm not installing it until I've had a chance to fully test the vacuum reserve canister I just installed (by installed, I mean stuffed into a spot it won't move then fastened in place with duct tape and zip ties);)
Does the C6 master not bolt up as easy as the C5 master?

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biggest difference in ditching the C3 Iron Pigs is un-sprung weight.. and the suspension responsiveness you gain in doing so.

Pad compound had a lot to do with feel depending on how you use your brakes applying brakes is an acquired skill that needs to be practiced

and lastly tire compound/grip has a whole lot of effect on brake effectiveness as you have to transfer the braking force to the ground

I read the iron calipers with s/s pistons run cooler than the aluminum calipers with aluminum pistons