C6 LS7 clutch


Mar 23, 2008
sunny Florida
All right, after 85K miles it's time to replace the clutch in my C6, from what I read all over the web the 2005 and 2006 clutches had problems and from 2007 on all LS2 and LS3 Corvettes got the same clutch as the Z06.
OK, check for options.... LUK rep set for $250 seemed to good to be true so I ordered a Sachs kit for $450 knowing that Sachs has been around for a long time and I've used their clutches before on many other cars..... clutch shipped direct from manufacturer, received it and guess what? Found LUK printed on the friction disc and the pressure plate had the same yellow springs as the LUK clutch kit, even the same yellow paint dots .... OK, returned this since I'm not paying $450 for a $250 clutch that was repackaged in a Sachs box.....
Next step: buy OEM LS3 clutch kit with new flywheel for $700 - to ensure the best parts are used and I don't have to do this again in 20K miles.
OEM clutch arrived, guess what? Same LUK clutch disc, pressure plate etc but this time in GM boxes ..... just sent this back today , not paying $700 for a $250 clutch either ...
Since apparently you get the same LUK clutch no matter what you order I'll now get this for $320 incl flywheel and hope for the best.....:banghead:
Hey Karsten, good to see you posting.

Was the OEM clutch from a dealer or place like GM Perfomance? I think those places "re-brand" stuff.

Did you finish the house you were remodeling?
Hey Karsten, good to hear from you. I don't have any input on your clutch experience, but I do recall a while back that I was interested in pictures of your garage once you got it finished.
Hey Karsten, good to hear from you. I don't have any input on your clutch experience, but I do recall a while back that I was interested in pictures of your garage once you got it finished.

I'll post some pics in 'off topic' stay tuned for 3000 sqf of shop space
Hey Karsten, good to see you posting.

Was the OEM clutch from a dealer or place like GM Perfomance? I think those places "re-brand" stuff.

Did you finish the house you were remodeling?
I'll start a separate thread about what's going on here but yeah, re- branded stuff, apparently no matter what you order the color of the box dictates the price...I ordered the oem clutch kit from socogging dickey, waiting for a refund, you can get the exact same thing for half the price at rockauto
Hey Karsten, good to see you posting.

Was the OEM clutch from a dealer or place like GM Perfomance? I think those places "re-brand" stuff.

Did you finish the house you were remodeling?
I'll start a separate thread about what's going on here but yeah, re- branded stuff, apparently no matter what you order the color of the box dictates the price...I ordered the oem clutch kit from socogging dickey, waiting for a refund, you can get the exact same thing for half the price at rockauto

Did you get this worked out?