Came out, over there.

Ralphy, good for you. It's wonderful when transpeople have loving and supportive people around them. As you can tell by the vitriol over there acceptance is far from commonplace.

Dean, one more quick comment about your question. As I mentioned above, I really don't want to become an activist but I will no longer tolerate the kind of bigotry shown in the CF thread. It's shit like that, the concern for other people's hatred and nastiness, that prevented me from doing this 20 years ago. They have no idea how many people stay in the closet because they're afraid to come out.
Jen I know Natalia just being able to confide with the family lifted a heavy burden from her also. So I'm understanding the issues. This is way deeper than the average Joe's impressions. It now turns into societies inabilities to deal with the reality. I guess we all want to live in our happy versions of life.

If I'm so offended at/about your gender? I can only imagine the torture you've endured, you didn't ask for this! The most I can say is good luck and your okay.

I've got to be one of the most vanilla heteros on this earth. Seriously! I have questioned myself at times is there some secret quirk? LOL, no. I grew up with a real rough childhood with an alcoholic dad that WWII really efed him up and us as children. I grew up fast and different from many. Watching your parent sitting with a gun on your mother is not pretty. I mentally to this day rip every situation apart. We have a trans at work and everyone parades past him. How foolish, leave it alone, let live!

Mess with a child or seniors? I have no mercy for you!

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well said Ralphy. My dad was a WWII Combat Engineer and though he wasn't as bad off as your Dad you could tell he had his challenges too.
although we don't credit them much for acceptance the thing they had in that generation was compassion. they didn't stand for being outright mean and unfair to people, and would jump up and set you straight.
the problem today is people are too accepting of things people can control, like people that hurt Kids and the Elderly and people unable to defend themselves. those people are on a very dangerous path around me.
I agree that Clutchdust was a really cool name for a forum... And not gender specific...... :D

It sure would have been easier to post this story on JoAnn's stitching and sewing website rather than a Corvette related forum..... takes some balls
I agree that Clutchdust was a really cool name for a forum... And not gender specific...... :D

It sure would have been easier to post this story on JoAnn's stitching and sewing website rather than a Corvette related forum..... takes some balls
Ha, ha. Funny, funny.
Hey Jen, I read you (on CF) complaining about the fact being a conservative TG puts you against everyone.
You know one cornerstone of the conservative mindset is the fact that body integrity is sacred, right?
No tatoo, no piercing, no plastic surgery.
Basically you turned black but still looking to join KKK, it will just never fly.

I'm not saying you should go kiss hippies asses, just get over the fact that having a half black president didn't turn the country to chaos and yes we are boiling ourselves to extinction.
You're going through something really big and, IMHO, you should put politic aside for now.

You are a close minded idiot.
actually the cornerstone of conservatism is self reliance and accountability. i haven't seen anything about tattoos, not that i care for them. faith is certainly part of that cornerstone, but judging someone for differing beliefs is not part of it.
there are things society sees as wrong that others have no issue with. my church doesn't think re marriage is right, but slowly they have accepted it. personally thats between God and the people involved, so is changing Genders or Sex. no Sin is greater than Gods forgiveness,and as Gods creatures we should be just as forgiving. and if you don't believe in God well, No faith requires even More Faith.
i wish you well Clutchdust Jen one conservative to another.:D
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Hey Jen, I read you (on CF) complaining about the fact being a conservative TG puts you against everyone.
You know one cornerstone of the conservative mindset is the fact that body integrity is sacred, right?
No tatoo, no piercing, no plastic surgery.
Basically you turned black but still looking to join KKK, it will just never fly.

I'm not saying you should go kiss hippies asses, just get over the fact that having a half black president didn't turn the country to chaos and yes we are boiling ourselves to extinction.
You're going through something really big and, IMHO, you should put politic aside for now.

You are a close minded idiot.

Now take it easy. Denis was a very early supporter and I have met him (and his wife) in person. Very nice person who happens to have differing political views, to include a fundamental misunderstanding of conservatism.
Besides, he's Canadian. I have no problems with someone being a socialist in a socialist country. I just have a problem with people over here trying to turn this country into socialism. There are plenty of other countries already. I wish we could just do an exchange program where we trade our socialist for their conservatives.
That would be awesome.
Hey Jen, I read you (on CF) complaining about the fact being a conservative TG puts you against everyone.
You know one cornerstone of the conservative mindset is the fact that body integrity is sacred, right?
No tatoo, no piercing, no plastic surgery.
Basically you turned black but still looking to join KKK, it will just never fly.

I'm not saying you should go kiss hippies asses, just get over the fact that having a half black president didn't turn the country to chaos and yes we are boiling ourselves to extinction.
You're going through something really big and, IMHO, you should put politic aside for now.

You are a close minded idiot.

Now take it easy. Denis was a very early supporter and I have met him (and his wife) in person. Very nice person who happens to have differing political views, to include a fundamental misunderstanding of conservatism.
Besides, he's Canadian. I have no problems with someone being a socialist in a socialist country. I just have a problem with people over here trying to turn this country into socialism. There are plenty of other countries already. I wish we could just do an exchange program where we trade our socialist for their conservatives.
That would be awesome.

Well, at least this nation tried to vote something in that is a bit better than balls out communism, a few daze ago.....:drink:
Now take it easy. Denis was a very early supporter and I have met him (and his wife) in person. Very nice person who happens to have differing political views, to include a fundamental misunderstanding of conservatism.
Besides, he's Canadian. I have no problems with someone being a socialist in a socialist country. I just have a problem with people over here trying to turn this country into socialism. There are plenty of other countries already. I wish we could just do an exchange program where we trade our socialist for their conservatives.
That would be awesome.
Thanks you Jen.
That would be awesome indeed, let's say I give you one Harper, you give me one Warren. lol.

Lot of drama for not much.
My sole point was that the nasty confrontation on the CF thread was bound to happen and that if I was you I'd simply avoid it.
I get your idea to spread the message and educate, all I can say is good luck.

Did you watch the video? Please do from 5:30 on.
The guy isn't liberal or conservative, he's just a scientist studying the concept of morality, and what he found out is fascinating.

I agree on the potential misunderstanding on conservatism.
Again, I'm not sure every person that consider themselves as conservative recognize themselves in current GOP policy.

...No faith requires even More Faith...
Hey, that's pretty deep (no sarcasm).
I really did not expect anything other than that from CF.... I wonder what happened if one of their paying vendors came out with this.... That would probably a totally different thing, under the mod's protection that person would have the support of the entire forum...... :smash: