Can someone take my stick away from me??

Anyone want a BIG stick to poke? There's a thread over there in C4 where I can easily help get you banned in three posts or less.

Gimme a link man, I seldom go there, even though my car is a C3.5......


I don't know if you can handle it. It don't even go there anymore and one of the guys involved in this circle jerk sent me the link, as if to rub it in my face.

You will have to disrupt a circle jerk with a supporting vendor over there, don't know if you're up to it...

All you need to say is the results were as to be expected, nothing special or out of the ordinary, that should set them off.

Let me know if you're man enough for the link! You can't tread here will take commitment.

Gimme the damn LINK already, jeez....


You got it.

My name was dragged into this and I haven't spoken to any of those people since October.

All you have to say is that with that build the results are as you could have expected and that any CNC'd head would have produced similar results, perhaps better.