Cash for Clunkers Procedure - <cringe>

up until a few months ago for a period of about 16 years. If i had that car they just blew up, it'd be the best car i owned.

They would have probably gotten $4500 in trade on that car anyway. I don't see it.

Unless it had some problem like a rod knock or something else we don't know about. Maybe it wouldn't pass inspection.

All I can say is thankfully Florida has NO safety maven or EPA BS inspections to worry over....which cuts the cost of car ownership on older vehicles by a easy 50%.....for family/friends I go in there and fix or alter the crap so it works...but it would drive anal states like Kalifornica crazy....

All I can say is thankfully Florida has NO safety maven or EPA BS inspections to worry over....which cuts the cost of car ownership on older vehicles by a easy 50%.....for family/friends I go in there and fix or alter the crap so it works...but it would drive anal states like Kalifornica crazy....


That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Obama 2012 !!!
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All I can say is thankfully Florida has NO safety maven or EPA BS inspections to worry over....which cuts the cost of car ownership on older vehicles by a easy 50%.....for family/friends I go in there and fix or alter the crap so it works...but it would drive anal states like Kalifornica crazy....


That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Besides LO housing costs and NO state income tax and NO auto inspections, my little 1600' house pays 800 bux/year property taxes.....electric was 186 last month, running a/c HARD.....we cook with propane, all the rest is electric.....they SAY the schools around here are good, but we all know the truth of that.....

I never had to bother the safety crap in Maryland, just when titling/tagging the car....never again...but I remember the smog stations, PIA from word go...which is why I like my old car once again....

who knows maybe they will miss my '85 van, and maybe the '91 Miata by then....the Escort should pass smog easy, but not safety, as the shifter interlocks are defeated...NOT buying a grand worth of parts to fix it...

so when you retire, consider Florida and get your hard ass thawed.....

All I can say is thankfully Florida has NO safety maven or EPA BS inspections to worry over....which cuts the cost of car ownership on older vehicles by a easy 50%.....for family/friends I go in there and fix or alter the crap so it works...but it would drive anal states like Kalifornica crazy....


That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Obama 2012 !!!

Yep. Kalifornia laws tend to spread eastward. Save those smog pumps fellers.
I hope you all realize that "Cash for Clunkers' has absolutely nothing to do with reducing emissions, smog, etc. It is strictly & purely a ploy to promote more consumption of 'product' by the American Consumer in an effort to 'stimulate' the economy. People are starting to do the right thing by reducing the amount of money they spend on crap and instead hanging on to older used items that still work well rather than spend money on newer shiny crap. This is affecting the profit margins of companies big & small, but the large corporations cannot stand the idea of reduced profits even if for the benefit of the earth & people.
Which has a larger "carbon footprint"--keeping that older car running even if doesn't quite produce the 'numbers' somebody has arbitrarily decided upon for MPG, or building a whole new car?
Give me a break.....
This has been my veiw for years, but here's an article that states it well. (Sorry Gene you better not look at it, it's from that liberal commie pinko socialist aetheist anarchist anti-christian terrorist baby-raping muslim-worshipping douche rag greenie-weenie Washington Post)
I hope you all realize that "Cash for Clunkers' has absolutely nothing to do with reducing emissions, smog, etc. It is strictly & purely a ploy to promote more consumption of 'product' by the American Consumer in an effort to 'stimulate' the economy. People are starting to do the right thing by reducing the amount of money they spend on crap and instead hanging on to older used items that still work well rather than spend money on newer shiny crap. This is affecting the profit margins of companies big & small, but the large corporations cannot stand the idea of reduced profits even if for the benefit of the earth & people.
Which has a larger "carbon footprint"--keeping that older car running even if doesn't quite produce the 'numbers' somebody has arbitrarily decided upon for MPG, or building a whole new car?
Give me a break.....
This has been my veiw for years, but here's an article that states it well. (Sorry Gene you better not look at it, it's from that liberal commie pinko socialist aetheist anarchist anti-christian terrorist baby-raping muslim-worshipping douche rag greenie-weenie Washington Post)

what it`s "stimulating" is more debt....
I hope you all realize that "Cash for Clunkers' has absolutely nothing to do with reducing emissions, smog, etc. It is strictly & purely a ploy to promote more consumption of 'product' by the American Consumer in an effort to 'stimulate' the economy. People are starting to do the right thing by reducing the amount of money they spend on crap and instead hanging on to older used items that still work well rather than spend money on newer shiny crap. This is affecting the profit margins of companies big & small, but the large corporations cannot stand the idea of reduced profits even if for the benefit of the earth & people.
Which has a larger "carbon footprint"--keeping that older car running even if doesn't quite produce the 'numbers' somebody has arbitrarily decided upon for MPG, or building a whole new car?
Give me a break.....
This has been my veiw for years, but here's an article that states it well. (Sorry Gene you better not look at it, it's from that liberal commie pinko socialist aetheist anarchist anti-christian terrorist baby-raping muslim-worshipping douche rag greenie-weenie Washington Post)

what it`s "stimulating" is more debt....

Yup that's about all it does......

and in my old circle of friends near DC years ago, we called the WA PO....the 'Daily Worker'......somehow I"m sure today they make Katherine Graham look like a conservative.....

they are basically a commie dominated rag....

If the Corporatocracy were really concerned about the environment & the future of the planet & it's people, they would be investing in creating affordable alternative fuel replacement powerplants for the existing automobiles we already have a dearth of (as well as new ones). But there's not enough immediate profit in that. There have been (& still are) numerous options along those very lines being developed by small entrepreneurs which have been quashed by the big corporations whose profits & power are threatened because of their unwillingness to change the status quo.
I ain't gonna bother looking up & posting any links, you can research it for yourself if you want.
That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Obama 2012 !!!

States rights…you can always move away from the shitty state you live in.
That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Obama 2012 !!!

States rights…you can always move away from the shitty state you live in.

Yea, The civil war was about states rights, not slavery. I remember my 7th grade teacher spouting that crap in Louisiana.

There's no way i'd let any of my cars die that kind of death. I'll keep my surburban going with duct tape for the next 20 years just to spite the bastards.

Another thing that occurs to me is that shit falling into the hands of vandals or "do gooders" who'd love to fuck up our old cars.

I'll be putting the hood latches back on mine soon. And i have locking gas caps on all of my cars. I recommend all of you guys picking those up. Cheap cheap insurance for $20.
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Obama 2012 !!!

You shouldn't even joke about this...

i don't know if i'm kidding or not.

It does give me the red ass that Florida has no emission laws at all.

Jeb Bush. That's a fucking cracker there.

That's bullshit. Other states are busting people's asses to make sure cars run clean and Florida has NO inspections at all.

Obama's gonna fix your wagon. He's got another 7.5 years.

Obama 2012 !!!

States rights…you can always move away from the shitty state you live in.

Yea, The civil war was about states rights, not slavery. I remember my 7th grade teacher spouting that crap in Louisiana.

Cajun ????